Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Tag library for User Management Tasks


All the user administration tags should be called from within this nested tag. For example, <dtuseradmin:obtainUserAdmin>...</dtuseradmin:obtainUserAdmin>


Activates or deactivates a user. For example, <dtuseradmin:setUserStatus userDN="uid=jdcuser,ou=people,dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com" activate="true"/>

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The userdn is a required attribute. The activate attribute is required and takes a boolean to specify activate or deactivate.

Returns boolean specifying the status of user.


Resets the user's password. For example, <dtuseradmin:resetPassword userDN="uid=jdcuser,ou=people,dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com" newPasswd="jdcuser12"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The userdn and newPasswd attributes are required.

Returns a boolean specifying if the reset operation was a success or failure.


allows to search for a user. For example, <dtuseradmin:searchUsers wildcard="j*" id="users"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The wildcard attribute is required and takes a search string (if filtering the resulting set based on a regular expression) specifically of the form foo*, *foo, foo*bar, foo*bar*.

Returns java.util.Set.


Gets the list of roles that the currently authenticated user can assign/remove. For example, <dtuseradmin:getAssignableRoles id="nodes"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id.

Returns java.util.Set.


Assigns a particular role to a user. For example, <dtuseradmin:assignRole userDN="uid=jdcuser,ou=people,dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com" roleDN="cn=JDC,dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com"/> .

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The roleDN attribute is required and takes the role to be assigned. The userDN attribute is required and takes the distinguished name of the user for whom the role is to be assigned.

Returns a boolean specifying if the assign operation is success or failure.


Removes the assigned role for a user. For example, <dtuseradmin:removeRole userDN="uid=jdcuser,ou=people,dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com" roleDN="cn=JDC,dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com"/> .

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The userDN attribute is required and takes the distinguished name of the user for whom the role has to be removed. The roleDN attribute is required and takes the role to be removed.

Returns a boolean specifying if the assign operation is success or failure.


Gets the list of user distinguished names in the currently logged in administrator's people container. For example, <dtuseradmin:getUsers id="ExistingUsers"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id.

Returns java.util.Set.


Creates a user given all the required user attributes. For example, <dtuseradmin:createUser uid="createtest" firstname="create" lastname="test" fullname="test user" password="createtest"/>.

The uid, password, fullname, firstname, and lastname attributes are required.


Deletes a list of users based on the user distinguished names passed in. For example, <dtuseradmin:deleteUsers userDNs="$userDNs"/> where $userDNs is a java.util.Set of use distinguished names.

The userDNs attribute is required and takes java.util.Set of user DNs to be deleted.


Gets the list of role distinguished nodes the user has already been assigned to. For example, <dtuseradmin:getUserRoles id="alreadyAssignedUserRoleSet" userDN="uid=jdcuser,ou=people,dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id.

Returns java.util.Set.