Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Tag library for WSRP Management Tasks


All the WSRP administration tags should be called from within this nested tag and will be operating on the baseDN that is passed in. For example, <wsrpadmin:obtainWSRPAdmin baseDN="$baseDN">...</wsrpadmin:obtainWSRPAdmin> .

The baseDN attribute is required and must be a valid node in Directory Server. For example: -dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com


Gets the set of producer IDs that are available in the organization of the baseDN that this tag is operating on. The producers in this list can be used to get the portlets list. For example, <wsrpadmin:getExistingProducerIds id="ExistingProducerIds"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id.

Returns java.util.Set.


Returns the list of portlet ids for the given producerID . For example, <wsrpadmin:getWSRPPortletHandlers id="PortletHandlersList" producerID="EO5DM1IAAAAAJAM42KBAAAA"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The producerID attribute is required and takes the id of the producer.

Returns java.util.Set.


Creates a new WSRP portlet channel given the channelName, portletID, producerID. For example: <wsrpadmin:createWSRPChannel channelName="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer/jspPortlet_wsrp2" producerId="EO5DM1IAAAAAJAM42KBAAAA" portletId="JSPPortlet"/>.

The channelName, producerID, and portletID attributes are required.


Returns the name of producer for the given producerID. For example: <wsrpadmin:getProducerName id="producerName" producerID="EO5DM1IAAAAAJAM42KBAAAA"/> .

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The producerID attribute is required and takes the id of the producer.

Returns java.lang.String.


Returns the name of portlet for the given producerID and portletID. For example, <wsrpadmin:getPortletName id="portletName" producerID="EO5DM1IAAAAAJAM42KBAAAA" portletID="JSPPortlet"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The producerID attribute is required and takes the id of the producer. The portletID attribute is required.

Returns java.lang.String.