Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Chapter 2 Upgrading to Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4

This supplement contains the following:

Pre-Upgrade Requirements

This section includes the following:

Hardware and Operating System Requirements

The following hardware and software are required to upgrade from Portal Server 6 2005Q1 software on Solaris to this release.

Table 2–1 Hardware and Operating System Requirements for Upgrade


Platform Requirements 

Supported Platforms  

Sun UltraTM 60, or Sun Blade, or better workstation or server

Operating System 

Solaris 8, 9 U6, or 10 


1024 Mbytes of RAM for evaluation install 

1.2 Gbytes of RAM for regular deployment  

Disk space 

1.5 Gbyte of disk space for Portal Server software and associated applications 

Software Requirements

This section contains the following:

Note –

The stack components have to be upgraded to their JES 4 versions prior to executing the psupgrade script.

Web Containers

Portal Server 7 2005Q4 software supports the following web containers:

Java Enterprise System Application Server 8.1 

Java Enterprise System Web Server 6.1 

BEA Weblogic Server 8.1 sp2 

BEA Weblogic Server 8.1 sp4 

IBM Websphere Server 5.1 

Sun Java System Access Manager Software

Portal Server software can be upgraded on machines with:

Access Manager software previously installed and configured on the same physical machine using JES3. 

Access Manager software previously installed and configured on a separate machine using JES3. The JES 3 Access Manager software SDK must be installed on the Portal Server software host. 

JES 3 Access Manager software SDK installed on the machine were Portal Server Gateway is previously installed. 

Before You Begin

Before upgrading to Portal Server 7 2005Q4 software:

  1. For:

    • Web Server 6.1, in the server.xml file, replace <JVMOPTIONS>-Xmx256m</JVMOPTIONS> with:

      <JVMOPTIONS>-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xss128k</JVMOPTIONS>
    • Application Server 8.1, in the domain.xml file, replace <jvm-options>-Xmx512m</jvm-options> with:

  2. Restart the web container.

  3. Check the version of the following Solaris packages on your system:






    If the version is 7.x. remove them manually. For example, type pkgrm SUNWpkg.

  4. Install the SUNWsoar-sdk package on the machine with a previous version of the Portal Server software.

  5. Install the patches 118671-03 and 119793-01 for Solaris on SPARC and x86.

  6. Stop Gateway if Gateway was installed and running on this machine.

Instructions to Upgrade and Verify Upgrade

This section contains the following:

ProcedureTo Upgrade to Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Software

  1. Go to the directory where you have downloaded the 2005Q4 software and unzip the file.

  2. Type the following on the command line:

    cd PS_Install_Image/portalserver/

    This will install this version of the Portal Server software.

  3. Go to PortalServer7-base/portal_svr/Tools/upgrade/bin directory and type ./psupgrade.

    The upgrade script will require you to provide the following:

    • Access Manager server administrator's password.

    • Access Manager ldapuser password

    • Directory Server Directory Manager password.

    • Web container administrator's password.

    • Web container Master Password in case of Application Server 8.1 for Portal Server software installation.

    • Web container certificate database password if Secure Remote Access was previously installed on this machine.

    • Secure Remote Access log user password if Secure Remote Access or its constituents were previously installed on this machine.

    When you upgrade, the upgraded Portal Server installation will be at PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal directory.

  4. Install theAccess Manager software patches, 119465-02 and 119466-02 (for Solaris on SPARC and x86), on the machine where Access Manager is installed and restart the Access Manager server.

  5. Restart the Portal Server web container and Gateway (if Gateway was installed and upgraded).

ProcedureTo Ensure Upgrade to Portal Server 7 2005Q4 was Successful

  1. Access the Access Manager software administration console from your browser. To access, type http://hostname/amconsole.

  2. Access the Portal Server Desktop. To access, type protocol://fully-qualified-hostname:port/portal-URI.

    If the sample Portal desktop displays without any exception, then your upgrade was successful. Try logging in as a user to ensure that the sample Portal desktop displays without errors.

  3. Access the Portal Server software administration console. To access, type protocol://fully-qualified-hostname:port/psconsole.

    Verify that it displays information about Portal Server7 2005Q4 software. Ensure that a Portal with portal-id Upgraded is created.