Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Chapter 1 Installing the Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Software

This supplement contains the following sections


The Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 software uses the Sun Java Enterprise System 4 install wizard to install the Portal Server software and associated components.

With this release, the Secure Remote Access component has to be installed along portal in the same session. Some post-installation configuration is required for the Secure Remote Access component.

Pre-Installation Requirements

Hardware and Operating System Requirements

Table 1–1 Hardware and Operating System Requirements


Platform Requirement 

Supported Platforms 

Sun UltraTM 60 or Sun Blade comparable or better workstation or server

Operating System 

SolarisTM 8 or SolarisTM 9 U6 or SolarisTM 10 on SPARC

SolarisTM 9 or SolarisTM 10 on x86

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 or 3.0 Update 3 on x86 


1024 Mbytes of RAM for evaluation install 

1.5 Gbytes of RAM for regular deployment on Sun Java System Web Server and BEA WebLogic Server 

2.0 Gbytes of RAM for regular deployment on Sun Java System Application Server 

Disk Space 

1 Gbyte of disk space for Portal Server and associated applications 

Swap Space 

The swap space of the machine should be twice of its physical memory. For example, in case of a 2.0 Gbytes RAM, the swap space should be 4.0 Gbytes. 

Note –

The Sun Java Enterprise System 4 Directory Server installation fails on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 Update 2 leading to Portal Server installation failure.

Software Requirements

The Portal Server software requires the following stack components:

The sun-soarsdk rpm (registry server sdk rpm) is not relocatable; so, do not choose non-default locations for registry on Linux.

For detailed instructions for installing the stack components, see the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference.

Before You Begin

This sections includes the following:

Miscellaneous Checks

  1. If the install system does not have direct connectivity to the internet, an HTTP proxy needs to be specified. For example, for Sun Java System Application Server, specify the following in the domain.xml file:


    Here, Proxy-Host is the fully-qualified domain name of the proxy host, Proxy-Port is the port on which the proxy is run, and PortalServer-Host is the fully-qualified domain name of the Portal Server software host.

  2. Execute the command prtconf | grep Memory to check RAM.

  3. Use the command df -lk to see how much swap space your machine has. To temporarily increase your swap space by 4 Gbytes, you can use the following instructions:

    > mkfile 4g /fourGigXtraSwap
    > swap -a /fourGigXtraSwap

Installing On Linux

Installing on an Application Server

If you are configuring the Sun Java System Application Server or BEA WebLogic Server for session failover (see Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 High Availability Administration Guide and Replication and Failover for Servlets and JSPs respectively), note that the Portal Server software must be installed on a non-default server. To install on a non-default server, see instructions below.

Installing and Verifying the Installation of the Portal Server Software

This section contains the following:

ProcedureTo Install the Portal Server Software

  1. Go to the PS_Install_Image/orion/OS-arch directory, where OS-arch can be Solaris_sparc, or Solaris_x86, or Linux_x86.

  2. Type ./installer to invoke the wizard to install the software.

  3. Select Next (at the Welcome Screen), and Accept License.

  4. Select the language support you want to install and the components you wish to install on this system.

    To install Portal Server software, select Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4.

  5. Specify the installation directory for the following software.

    Directory Preparation Tool

    By default, this is installed in /opt/SUNWcomds

    Access Manager

    By default, this is installed in /opt

    Web Server

    By default, this is installed in /opt/SUNWwbsvr

    Portal Server

    By default, this is installed in /opt

    You will be prompted for the installation directory for Portal Server Secure Remote Access instead of Portal Server only (bug id 6333347). Note that Secure Remote Access is installed in the PortalServer7–base directory.

  6. Specify whether or not you wish to configure now.

    The installer only supports adding one portal and one instance; for any other configuration, the configure later option must be selected. If the configure now option is selected, after the packages are installed, the configuration is immediately started; otherwise, the configuration can be done by selecting the configure later option. See supplement Chapter 3, Configuring After the Installation for more information.

    If you selected configure now option, proceed to the next step; otherwise, skip to step 24.

  7. Specify the following common server settings:

    Host Name, DNS Domain Name, Host IP Address

    Host name, domain, and IP address of the system

    Administrator User ID and Password

    User ID and password of the administrator

    System User and Group

    System user name and group ID

    Note that the values you enter here will appear as default values during the rest of the installation.

  8. Specify the Web Server settings for administration and Default Web Server Instance.

    For more information, see the Web Server Configuration Information in Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference in the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference.

  9. Specify the Directory Server administration settings, server settings, configuration information, data storage location, populate data information.

    For more information, see the Directory Server Configuration Information in Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference in the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference.

  10. Specify the Access Manager administration information, web container information, services information, directory server information, and provisioned directory information.

    For more information, see the Access Manager Configuration Information in Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference in the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference.

  11. Select a web container for Portal Server software.

    You can select one of the following:

    • Sun Java System Web Server

    • Sun Java System Application Server

    • BEA WebLogic Server

      If you are installing on a third party container, after installing the web container, install Directory Server, Access Manager, Portal Server, and Sun Java System Web Server (for the Portal Server administration console) in configure later mode and execute the Directory Server configurator, Access Manager configurator (amconfig), and Portal Server configurator (psconfig) with the correct file.

  12. Specify the web container information.

    Note that based on your selection in Step 8, the information you provide will vary. For:

    • Sun Java System Web Server, specify the following:

      Installation Directory

      By default, this is installed in /opt/SUNWwbsvr.

      Server Instance and Server Instance Port

      By default, the server instance is the fully qualified host name of the system and 80 is the instance port.

      Server Document Root

      By default, /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-hostname.domain/docs is the document root.

      Secure Server Instance Port

      Port number of the secure server instance

    • Sun Java System Application Server, specify the following:

      Installation Directory

      By default, this is /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver.

      Domain Name

      By default, domain1.

      Server Instance Directory and Port

      By default, the instance directory is /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1 and port is 8080.

      Document Root Directory

      By default, /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/docroot.

      Administration Port

      By default, 4849.

      Administrator User ID and Password

      By default, admin.

      Secure Server Instance Port

      Port number of the secure server instance

      Secure Administration Server Port

      Port number of the secure administration server

    • BEA WebLogic Server, specify the following:

      Installation Directory

      By default, /usr/local/bea/weblogic81.

      Instance Directory

      By default, /usr/local/bea/user_projects.

      JDK Home Directory

      By default, /usr/local/bea/jdk142_05.

      Server/Cluster Host, Port, and Protocol

      By default, the host is the hostname, Port is 7001, and protocol can be HTTP or HTTPS.

      Administrator User ID and Password

      By default, user ID is weblogic.

      Administrator Host, Port, and Protocol

      By default, host is the hostname, port is 7001, and protocol can be HTTP or HTTPS.

      Managed Servers

      WebLogic supports two type of servers: Admin Server and Managed Server. Installation on an Admin Server instance requires the Admin Server to be up and running. To install on a Managed Server Instance:

      • The Admin Server and the Managed Server must be running.

      • The Node manager must be created and running and the Managed Server must be assigned to the Node manager.

  13. Specify the following to deploy in to the web container:

    Portal Access URL

    By default, this is protocol://hostname.domain:port/portal.

    Portal ID

    By default, this is portal1.

    Search ID

    By default, this is search1.

    Deployment URI

    By default, this is /portal.

  14. Specify whether or not you wish to configure all sample portals.

    This version of the portal server includes three sample portals. For more information on these, see Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Notes. You can select one or more sample portals to configure.

  15. To install Secure Remote Access also, specify the following; otherwise, skip to step 24.


    This can be HTTP or HTTPS.

    Host and Port

    By default, host is the hostname.domain and port is 80.

    Deployment URI

    By default, /portal.

  16. Specify the following information to install the Gateway:

    Gateway Protocol

    By default, this is HTTPS.

    Portal Server Domain

    By default, this is the domain name of the system.

    Gateway Domain and Port

    By default, the domain is the default domain of the system and port is 443.

    Gateway Profile Name

    By default, this is default.

    Log User Password

    Log user password

    Host Name, Subdomain, and Domain

    By default, this is the host name, sub domain, and domain of the system on which you are installing the Gateway.

    Host IP Address and Access Port

    By default, this is the IP address of the system on which you are installing the Gateway and the port is, by default, 443.

    Gateway Profile Name and Log User Password

    By default, the gateway profile name is default.

  17. Specify whether or not you wish to start Gateway after installation.

  18. Specify the following information for the Netlet Proxy.

    Host Name, Subdomain, and Domain

    By default, the system values are used.

    Host IP Address and Access Port

    By default, the IP address is the IP address of the system and port is 10555

    Gateway Profile Name and Log User Password

    By default, the gateway profile name is default.

  19. Specify whether or not you wish to start Netlet Proxy after installation.

  20. Specify the following information to install the Rewriter Proxy.

    Host Name, Subdomain, and Domain

    By default, the system values are used.

    Host IP Address and Access Port

    By default, the IP address is the IP address of the system and port is 10443.

    Gateway Profile Name and Log User Password

    By default, the gateway profile name is default.

  21. Specify whether or not you wish to start Rewriter Proxy after installation.

  22. Specify the following proxy information for the Secure Remote Access software.

    Note –

    Based on whether or not you wish to work with Portal Server software on another host, the ability to edit this page will vary. If the proxy server being installed are to work with an instance of Portal Server installed on a different host, select the option to Work with Portal Server on another host, and specify the following information.

    Portal Server Protocol, Host, Port, and Deployment URI

    By default, host is the hostname.domain of the system where Portal Server is installed, port is 81, and URI is /portal.

    Organization DN

    Organization distinguished node.

    Access Manager Service URI and Encryption Key

    By default, the URI is /amserver.

  23. Specify the following certificate information for the Secure Remote Access software:

    Organization, Division, City/Locality, State/Province

    Specify your organization name, division, city, and state information.

    Country Code

    Use the two character format.

    Certificate Database Password

    This must be at least eight characters.

  24. Specify whether or not you are ready to install by selecting the Next.

  25. Specify whether or not you wish to open the registration window during installation and select Install to install the software.

ProcedureCompleting Installation on BEA WebLogic Server

If you installed the Portal Server software on BEA WebLogic Server, you must install the Portal Server administration console (psconsole) on Sun Java System Web Server to administer the Portal Server via the console. Also, you must manually deploy WAR files in /var/opt/SUNWportal/portals/portal-ID/war directory. You must perform the tasks in this section on the host where the Portal Server software is installed.

  1. Deploy the WAR files in /var/opt/SUNWportal/portals/portal-ID/war directory. For example, type:

    ./usr/local/bea/jdk142_05/jre/bin/java -classpath /usr/local/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.jar weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://HOST:DOMAIN:PORT -name /portal -username username -password password -deploy /var/opt/SUNWportal/portals/PORTALID/war/portal.war
    ./usr/local/bea/jdk142_05/jre/bin/java -classpath /usr/local/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.jar weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://HOST:DOMAIN:PORT -name /portal -username username -password password -deploy /var/opt/SUNWportal/portals/PORTALID/war/portletsamples.war
    • To deploy the WAR files in /var/opt/SUNWportal/portals/portal-ID/war directory through the WebLogic administration console:

      1. Log in to the WebLogic administration console and select the Admin Server from the domain it was created.

      2. Select the Web Applications Modules and click on Deploy a new Web Application Module.

      3. Follow the instruction to choose the war file on the file system of the Admin Server machine and deploy them.

  2. Restart the WebLogic Server after completing the configuration.

  3. Install the Sun Java System Web Server software.

  4. Deploy the psconsole.war file using the web server wdeploy command.

ProcedureTo Install on a Second Machine

The GUI installer cannot be used for multi portal installation. Follow the instructions in this section to install Portal Server on a second machine.

  1. Install Access Manager SDK and Web Server first.

  2. Start the web container and then invoke the Portal Server software GUI installer to install the software in configure later mode.

  3. Copy the /etc/opt/SUNWcacao/security directory from the first machine to the second machine and then start the CACAO server.

  4. Complete the Portal Server installation by running the psconfig -—config command.

ProcedurePost-Installation Configuration for Secure Remote Access

  1. Specify the complete protocol and fully qualified domain name for Non Authenticated URL list in PortalServer7–base/export/request/enableSRAForPortal.xml file using the following amadmin command:

    ./amadmin --runasdn ADMIN_DN --password ampassword --verbose --continue --data file

  2. Log in to the Portal Server administration console and navigate to Secure Remote Access Rewrite Rulesets.

  3. Execute the following commands if you do not see the default_gateway_ruleset, exchange_2000sp3_owa_ruleset, exchange_2003_owa_ruleset, inotes_ruleset, iplanet_mail_ruleset, sap_portal_ruleset and wml_ruleset entries.

    ./psadmin create-rewriter-ruleset -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd -F PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/export/rewriter_rule/DefaultGatewayRuleSet.xml
    ./psadmin create-rewriter-ruleset -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd -F PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/export/rewriter_rule/OWA2003RuleSet.xml
    ./psadmin create-rewriter-ruleset -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd -F PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/export/rewriter_rule/OWASP3RuleSet.xml
    ./psadmin create-rewriter-ruleset -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd -F PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/export/rewriter_rule/SAPPortalRuleSet.xml
    ./psadmin create-rewriter-ruleset -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd -F PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/export/rewriter_rule/WMLRuleSet.xml
    ./psadmin create-rewriter-ruleset -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd -F PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/export/rewriter_rule/iNotesRuleSet.xml
    ./psadmin create-rewriter-ruleset -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd -F PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/export/rewriter_rule/iPlanetMailExpressRuleSet.xml
  4. Do the following if Gateway is configured:

    cd /etc/opt/SUNWportal/default
    chmod -R 755 *
  5. To enable access to the Portal Server via the Gateway, see supplement 4 Enabling Access to the Portal Server Via the Gateway.

ProcedureTo Verify the Installation

Verify the Portal Server software installation by:

  1. Type protocol://fully-qualified-hostname:port/portal-URI in the browser.

    When you type the URL, the welcome page, a short description of Portal server and links to sample portals that you selected for installation is displayed. Click on one of the links and access the anonymous portal desktop for the sample portal. If the sample Portal desktop displays without any exception, then your Portal Server installation was successful.

  2. Type protocol://fully-qualified-hostname:port/psconsole in the browser.

  3. Run the following command to check if the gateway is running on the specified port (the default port is 443):

    netstat -an | grep port-number

    If the gateway is not running, use the following command to start the gateway:

    PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/bin/psadmin start-sra-instance -u amadmin -f amadmin-password-file --instance-type gateway --instance-name GatewayInstanceName

    Note –

    Create a file and add amadmin password in plaint text and pass it as an input to the -f option above.

    Also view the log files. The log file name is picked up from the property called in the platform.conf file.

  4. Run the Portal Server in secure mode by typing the gateway URL in your browser:


    If you have chosen the default port (443) during installation, you need not specify the port number.