Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide

Maximum Number of SNMP Destinations Has Been Exceeded

The service processor of the Sun Fire V20z and V40z servers has a limit of three SNMP destinations. If there are more than three SNMP destinations for a V20z or a V40z server, discovery will fail. The failure occurs because the N1 System Manager adds another SNMP destination to the service processor during discovery.

The SNMP destinations can be configured in a service processor by N1 System Manager or some other management software. You can delete entries from the SNMP destinations if you know that the SNMP destination entry is no longer needed.

Perform the following steps to view the service processor SNMP destinations and then delete at least one SNMP destination:

  1. Log into the V20z or V40z service processor admin account using SSH.

  2. To display the server's current SNMP destinations, type the command sp get snmp-destinations.

    The SNMP destinations appear in the output.

    If there are more than three SNMP destinations, you must delete SNMP destinations until there are no more than three SNMP destinations.

  3. To delete an SNMP destination on the service processor, use the command sp delete snmp-destination where snmp-destination is the SNMP destination to be deleted..

    Use the delete command with caution because some other management software might need the entry for monitoring. A manageable server's SNMP destination is deleted, however, when the server is deleted from the N1 System Manager using the delete server command. Always use the delete server command when removing a manageable server.