Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide

RSC Servers Must Be Powered Off for Discovery to Succeed

Manageable servers based on the Remote System Control (RSC) technology, such as Sun Fire V490 and V890 series servers, must be powered off before they can be discovered by N1 System Manager. RSC-based servers must remain powered off until discovery is complete and discovery has been confirmed by using the show server command.

Note –

The first time the show server command is used to identify a newly discovered RSC server, the command can take up to 5 minutes to complete.

The console of an RSC server must not be in use when being discovered. These servers must also be bench configured prior to discovery. For details on bench configuration of RSC servers, see Preparing RSC-based Manageable Servers in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Site Preparation Guide.

If the RSC manageable server was not powered off before being discovered by N1 System Manager, the server MAC address cannot be detected. Subsequent attempts to load an OS on the server fail with the following message:

Operation failed

In this case, stop the managed server:

N1-ok> stop server server force true

Refresh the managed server to retrieve the server's MAC address:

N1-ok> set server server refresh

This command can take up to 5 minutes to complete. Once complete, an OS can be provisioned on to the RSC server using N1 System Manager.