Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide

V20z or V40z Discovery Fails With Error Cannot Open IPMI Session

Discovery cannot open an IPMI session to a Sun Fire V20z or a V40z server if the IPMI password on the V20z or V40z is missing or has been reset.

    To reset the IPMI password and then discover the server, proceed as follows:

  1. Open a terminal window and log in to the V20z or V40z service processor admin account using SSH.

  2. Type the command ipmi get channels followed by the command ipmi reset -a to reset the IPMI password. You are prompted to confirm the new password.

    For example, assume the server management processor IP address is, and that the default ssh account name admin and the default password admin have not been changed:

    bash-3.00# ssh -l admin
    admin@'s password: 
    Sun Microsystems
    IPMI v2.0 Service Processor
    Version:  V2.4.0.6
    localhost $
    localhost $ ipmi get channels
    Channel Status
    lan     enabled
    sms     enabled
    localhost $ ipmi reset -a
    localhost $
    localhost $ ipmi enable channel lan
    Password: example 
    Confirm password: example
  3. Rerun discovery from the N1 System Manager commandline interface for the V20z or V40z, using the IPMI password you specified.

For example:

N1-ok > discover ssh=admin/admin ipmi=/example