Sun Update Connection - Enterprise Bare Metal Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Configure IA-32 Channels

This task explains how to configure IA-32 channels.

  1. From the BMI Channels page, choose an IA-32 channel and click Configure or Re-Configure.

  2. In the text box, enter the HTTP, FTP (or similar), or NFS path to the distribution CDs on the Image server.

    • Example HTTP format: http://system-name/path

    • Example FTP format: ftp://username:password@system-name/path/

    • Example NFS format: NFS: file:///path

  3. Click Continue.

    The change is saved and the BMI Channels page is displayed.

Before Provisioning With the IA-32 Channel

Before provisioning with the IA-32 channel, start up the systems and make sure they are set up for netboot, using their PXE cards.