Sun Update Connection - Enterprise Bare Metal Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Configure BMI Channels

This task explains how to point the BMI server to an image.

  1. Log into the BMI server.

  2. From the BMI server page menu, click Setup.

    The BMI Channels page is displayed, listing the channels you activated when you installed the Sun Update Connection – Enterprise.

  3. Check the status of each channel:

    • If the status is Configure, click Configure. A distribution-specific configure window opens. Complete the information needed to configure the selected channel for network installation.

    • If the status is Re-Configure, it is ready to use. Click Re-Configure if you need to change the path to the distribution CDs.

    • If the status is Channel Enabled, it is an S/390 channel and is ready to use. These channels are configured on the mainframe instead of the BMI server.