Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.0 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Set Up the OTP High Availability Framework on the First OTP Host

Before You Begin

The OTP CLI package must be installed on the host as described in To Install the OTP CLI Package to the Clustered OTP System Hosts.

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the first OTP host of the clustered OTP system.

  2. Create the first OTP host high availability state file.

    1. Create the first OTP host high availability state file.

    2. Type cp templates/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost.dat /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost.dat

  3. Edit the file setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost.dat as follows.

    • mediaDirectory=OTP_Installation_directory: The fully qualified path name of the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory, for example: /net/otpinstall/otp1.0.

    • clusterName=cluster_name: The name you have chosen for the clustered OTP system.

    • nodeAuthentication=sys: Default value sys, valid values are sys and des. This option establishes the authentication policies for OTP hosts. For further information see Node Authentication in Clustered OTP Host Plan Worksheet.

    • privateInterface1=Ethernet interface 2 where Ethernet interface 2 is bge2 or ce2 depending on platform type.

    • privateInterface2=Ethernet interface 3 where Ethernet interface 3 is bge3 or ce3 depending on platform type.

    • transportTypeInterface1=dlpi

    • transportTypeInterface2=dlpi

    • autoConfigureIPMP:

      autoConfigureIPMP=no if you do not want to set up IPMP.

      To set up IPMP, set autoConfigureIPMP=yes, and add the following three lines:

      • secondaryInterface=Ethernet interface 2

      • secondaryIP= where is the IP address of Ethernet interface 2.

      • testIPAddress= where is the IP address used for IPMP configuration.

    • allPatches=yes to install all patches.

      allPatches=no to install mandatory patches only.

    Save and close the file.

    The multiple-node availability state file should be similar to the following:

  4. Set up the availability service.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost.dat

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost script performs the following tasks:

    • Installs required Solaris OS patches

    • Installs and configures the OTP high availability framework

    • Reboots the first OTP host

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost installation process logs to the file /var/tmp/OTPInstaller.log. You can use the tail -f command during installation to view the log file.

    When the first OTP host has rebooted, log in as root again.

  5. Run the setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost script again.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost.dat

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost script verifies the OTP high availability framework installation and configuration.

Next Steps

Add the additional OTP hosts to the Clustered OTP Systemas described in the next procedure.