Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 4 Installing the Open Telecommunications Platform Using the Command Line

This chapter provides the command-line procedures for installing and configuring the Open Telecommunications Platform 1.0.

The following topics are discussed:

This section discusses the following topics:

Command-line Installation and Configuration Overview

This section provides summaries of the high-level tasks that you will perform as part of the Open Telecommunications Platform site preparation, installation, configuration, and run time processes.

The following diagram illustrates the sequence of the high-level tasks for site planning, installation and configuration of the Open Telecommunications Platform software.

Figure 4–1 Open Telecommunications Platform Site Preparation Task Flow

Diagram: Open Telecommunications Platform Site Preparation Task Flow

Open Telecommunications Platform Prerequisites

The following prerequisites must be met before you can install the Open Telecommunications Platform using the command line.

Installing the Open Telecommunications Platform On A Standalone OTP Host

Manual command-line installation and setup of the Open Telecommunications Platform on a standalone OTP host is comprised of the following steps:

This section discusses the following topics:

Caution – Caution –

ProcedureTo Set Up the OTP High Availability Framework

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the standalone OTP host.

  2. Install the OTP CLI package.

    Type pkgadd -d /net/OTP install directory/Products/packages -R / SUNWotpcli where OTP install directory is the installation source directory you created in Step 8 of the procedure To Download and Uncompress the OTP and Solaris OS Installation Zip Files.

    For example, if the installation server name is otpinstall, and the NFS-mounted installation directory is /otp1.0, you would then type:

    # pkgadd -d /net/otpinstall/otp1.0/Products/packages -R / SUNWotpcli

    The directory /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI is created.

  3. Create the standalone OTP host availability state file.

    1. Change directory to /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI.

    2. Type cp templates/setupAvailabilityServiceOnStandalone.dat /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnStandalone.dat

  4. Edit the file /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnStandalone.dat as follows.

    • mediaDirectory=OTP_Installation_directory: The fully qualified path name of the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory, for example: /net/otpinstall/otp1.0

    • clusterName=cluster_name: The name you have chosen for the clustered OTP system.

    • allPatches=yes to install all patches.

      allPatches=no to install mandatory patches only.

    • autoConfigureIPMP:

      autoConfigureIPMP=no if you do not want to set up IPMP.

      To set up IPMP, set autoConfigureIPMP=yes, and add the following three lines:

      • secondaryInterface=Ethernet interface 2

      • secondaryIP= where is the IP address of Ethernet interface 2.

      • testIPAddress= where is the IP address used for IPMP configuration.

    Save and close the file.

    The single-node availability state file should be similar to the following:

  5. Set up the availability service.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupAvailabilityServiceOnStandalone /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnStandalone.dat.

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnStandalone script performs the following tasks:

    • Installs required Solaris OS patches

    • Installs the OTP high availability framework

    • Configures the OTP high availability framework

    • Reboots the standalone OTP host

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnStandalone installation process logs to the file /var/tmp/OTPInstaller.log. You can use the tail -f command during installation to view the log file.

    When the standalone OTP host has rebooted, log in as root again.

  6. Run the setupAvailabilityServiceOnStandalone script again, specifying the same availability state file.

    For example:

    # /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupAvailabilityServiceOnStandalone \

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnStandalone script verifies the OTP high availability framework installation and configuration.

Next Steps

Set up the OTP system management and application provisioning services as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Set Up the OTP System Management and Application Provisioning Services

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the standalone OTP host.

  2. Create the standalone OTP host management and provisioning state file.

    1. Change directory to /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI.

    2. Type cp templates/setupManagementServicesOnStandalone.dat /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnStandalone.dat

  3. Edit the file /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnStandalone.dat as follows.

    • mediaDirectory=OTP_Installation_directory: The fully qualified path name of the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory, for example: /net/otpinstall/otp1.0

    • managementInterface=management interface name where management interface name is bge0 or bge1 or ce0 or ce1 depending on the interface you have chosen for the management interface, and on the platform type.

    • provisioningInterface=provisioning interface name where provisinoing interface name is bge0 or bge1 or ce0 or ce1 depending on the interface you have chosen for the provisioning interface, and on the platform type.

    • logicalHost=logical host name where logical host name is an unused logical host name on the same subnet as the standalone OTP host. If a logical host name that exists on a different subnet is specified, installation fails.

    • logicalIPAddress=logical host IP address where logical host IP address is an unused IP address to be assigned to logicalHost

    Save and close the file.

    The single-node management and provisioning state file should be similar to the following:

  4. Set up the management and provisioning services.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupManagementServicesOnStandalone /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnStandalone.dat.

    The setupManagementServicesOnStandalone script performs the following tasks:

    • Installs the Java Web console

    • Installs the OTP system management service high availability agent

    • Installs the OTP application provisioning service high availability agent

    • Installs patches required by the Open Telecommunications Platform

    • Installs and configures the OTP system management service

    • Installs and configures the OTP application provisioning service

    The setupManagementServicesOnStandalone installation process logs to the file /var/tmp/OTPInstaller.log. You can use the tail -f command during installation to view the log file.

Next Steps

Enable high availability on the standalone OTP host as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Enable High Availability for the OTP Provisioning Service

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the standalone OTP host.

  2. Create the standalone OTP host high availability state file.

    1. Change directory to /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI.

    2. Type cp templates/enableManagementServicesHA.dat /var/tmp/templates/enableManagementServicesHA.dat

  3. Edit the file /var/tmp/templates/enableManagementServicesHA.dat as follows.

    • mediaDirectory=OTP_Installation_directory: The fully qualified path name of the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory, for example: /net/otpinstall/otp1.0

    • logicalHost=logical host name where logical host name is an unused logical host name on the same subnet as the standalone OTP host. If a logical host name that exists on a different subnet is specified, cluster installation fails.

    Save and close the file.

    The single-node high availability state file should be similar to the following:

  4. Enable high availability for the OTP provisioning service.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/enableManagementServicesHAOnStandalone /var/tmp/enableManagementServicesHA.dat

    The enableManagementServicesHAOnStandalone script installs and enables the OTP application provisioning service high availability agent, and logs to the file /var/tmp/OTPInstaller.log.

    This completes the Open Telecommunications Platform manual installation process for a standalone OTP host.

  5. Log in as root on the standalone OTP host and restart the remote agent.

    Type /etc/init.d/n1spsagent restart to restart the remote agent. If the remote agent is not restarted, then the service provisioning service on the first OTP host will not work properly.

Installing the Open Telecommunications Platform On Clustered OTP Hosts

Manual command-line installation and setup of the Open Telecommunications Platform on clustered OTP hosts is comprised of the following steps:

This section discusses the following topics:

Caution – Caution –

ProcedureTo Install the OTP CLI Package to the Clustered OTP System Hosts

The OTP CLI package must be installed to all hosts in the clustered OTP system before you start OTP installation.

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the first OTP host of the clustered OTP system.

  2. Install the OTP CLI package.

    Type pkgadd -d /net/OTP install directory/Products/packages -R / SUNWotpcli where OTP install directory is the installation source directory you created in Step 8 of the procedure To Download and Uncompress the OTP and Solaris OS Installation Zip Files.

    For example, if the installation server name is otpinstall, and the NFS-mounted installation directory is /otpinstall/otp1.0, you would then type:

    # pkgadd -d /net/otpinstall/otp1.0/Products/packages -R / SUNWotpcli

    The directory /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI is created.

Next Steps

Repeat this procedure for each host in the clustered OTP system.

When you have completed installing the OTP CLI package on all clustered OTP system hosts, set up the OTP high availability framework on the first OTP host as described in the next section.

ProcedureTo Set Up the OTP High Availability Framework on the First OTP Host

Before You Begin

The OTP CLI package must be installed on the host as described in To Install the OTP CLI Package to the Clustered OTP System Hosts.

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the first OTP host of the clustered OTP system.

  2. Create the first OTP host high availability state file.

    1. Create the first OTP host high availability state file.

    2. Type cp templates/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost.dat /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost.dat

  3. Edit the file setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost.dat as follows.

    • mediaDirectory=OTP_Installation_directory: The fully qualified path name of the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory, for example: /net/otpinstall/otp1.0.

    • clusterName=cluster_name: The name you have chosen for the clustered OTP system.

    • nodeAuthentication=sys: Default value sys, valid values are sys and des. This option establishes the authentication policies for OTP hosts. For further information see Node Authentication in Clustered OTP Host Plan Worksheet.

    • privateInterface1=Ethernet interface 2 where Ethernet interface 2 is bge2 or ce2 depending on platform type.

    • privateInterface2=Ethernet interface 3 where Ethernet interface 3 is bge3 or ce3 depending on platform type.

    • transportTypeInterface1=dlpi

    • transportTypeInterface2=dlpi

    • autoConfigureIPMP:

      autoConfigureIPMP=no if you do not want to set up IPMP.

      To set up IPMP, set autoConfigureIPMP=yes, and add the following three lines:

      • secondaryInterface=Ethernet interface 2

      • secondaryIP= where is the IP address of Ethernet interface 2.

      • testIPAddress= where is the IP address used for IPMP configuration.

    • allPatches=yes to install all patches.

      allPatches=no to install mandatory patches only.

    Save and close the file.

    The multiple-node availability state file should be similar to the following:

  4. Set up the availability service.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost.dat

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost script performs the following tasks:

    • Installs required Solaris OS patches

    • Installs and configures the OTP high availability framework

    • Reboots the first OTP host

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost installation process logs to the file /var/tmp/OTPInstaller.log. You can use the tail -f command during installation to view the log file.

    When the first OTP host has rebooted, log in as root again.

  5. Run the setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost script again.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost.dat

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnFirstHost script verifies the OTP high availability framework installation and configuration.

Next Steps

Add the additional OTP hosts to the Clustered OTP Systemas described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Add Additional OTP Hosts to the Clustered OTP System

Caution – Caution –

The host name of each additional OTP host in your clustered OTP system must be added to the first OTP host. Failure to do so will result in OTP high availability framework configuration failure.

Tip –

Log in to each additional host and type the command uname -n to display the host name.

Before You Begin
  1. Log in as root (su - root) on the first OTP host. Thefirst OTP host must be connected to shared storage.

  2. Add each additional OTP host to the first OTP host.

    For each additional OTP host, type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/addNewHost OTP host name where OTP host name is the name of the additional OTP host.

    For example:

    # /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/addNewHost otpclient2 \
    /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/addNewHost otpclient3 \
    /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/addNewHost otpclient4 \
    /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/addNewHost otpclient5 \
    /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/addNewHost otpclient6 \
    /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/addNewHost otpclient7 \
    /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/addNewHost otpclient8
Next Steps

Set up the OTP high availability framework on each of the additional OTP hosts as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Set Up the OTP High Availability Framework on the Additional OTP Hosts

The following steps must be performed on each additional OTP host in your clustered OTP system.

Before You Begin
  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the OTP host.

  2. Create the additional OTP host high availability state file.

    1. Change directory to /opt/SUNWootp10/CLI.

    2. Type cp templates/setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts.dat

  3. Edit the /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts.dat as follows.

    • mediaDirectory=OTP_Installation_directory: The fully qualified path name of the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory, for example: /net/otpinstall/otp1.0.

    • sponsorNode=first OTP host: The name of the first OTP host.

    • privateInterface1=Ethernet interface 2 where Ethernet interface 2 is bge2 or ce2 depending on platform type.

    • privateInterface2=Ethernet interface 3 where Ethernet interface 3 is bge3 or ce3 depending on platform type.

    • transportTypeInterface1=dlpi

    • transportTypeInterface2=dlpi

    • quorumAutoConfiguration=yes: Required by the OTP high availability framework

    • autoConfigureIPMP:

      autoConfigureIPMP=no if you do not want to set up IPMP.

      To set up IPMP, set autoConfigureIPMP=yes, and add the following three lines:

      • secondaryInterface=Ethernet interface 2

      • secondaryIP= where is the IP address of Ethernet interface 2.

      • testIPAddress= where is the IP address used for IPMP configuration.

    • allPatches=yes to install all patches.

      allPatches=no to install mandatory patches only.

    Save and close the file.

    The setup additional OTP hosts high availability state file should be similar to the following:

  4. Set up the OTP high availability framework.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts.dat

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts script performs the following tasks:

    • Installs required Solaris OS patches

    • Installs and configures the OTP high availability framework

    • Reboots the OTP host

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts installation process logs to the file /var/tmp/OTPInstaller.log. You can use the tail -f command during installation to view the log file.

    When the first OTP host has rebooted, log in as root again.

  5. Run the setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts script again.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts /var/tmp/setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts.dat

    The setupAvailabilityServiceOnOtherHosts script verifies the OTP high availability framework installation and configuration.

  6. If you set quorumAutoConfiguration=no on a two-host cluster, you must manually select and configure the quorum disk after cluster configuration is complete as follows.

    Note –

    The following sub-steps apply only to a two-host cluster. If you are setting up the OTP high availability framework on a three-host or more clustered OTP system, this step is optional.

    1. Open a separate terminal window and log in as root to the first OTP host.

    2. Type /usr/cluster/bin/scdidadm -L to display the cluster disk information. For example:

      # /usr/cluster/bin/scdidadm -L
                      1        otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c0t8d0     /dev/did/rdsk/d1
                      1        otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c0t8d0     /dev/did/rdsk/d1
                      2        otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c0t9d0     /dev/did/rdsk/d2
                      2        otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c0t9d0     /dev/did/rdsk/d2
                      3        otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0     /dev/did/rdsk/d3
                      4        otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0     /dev/did/rdsk/d4
                      5        otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0     /dev/did/rdsk/d5
                      6        otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0     /dev/did/rdsk/d6

      In the above example, disks d1 and d2 are shared by both hosts of the two-host cluster. The quorum disk must be a shared disk.

    3. Configure a quorum disk.

      Type /usr/cluster/bin/scconf -a -q globaldev=shared disk ID where shared disk ID is a shared disk ID. For example:

      # /usr/cluster/bin/scconf -a -q globaldev=d1
    4. Type /usr/cluster/bin/scconf -c -q reset to reset the two-host cluster to normal mode.

Next Steps

Create the clustered OTP system shared storage as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Create Clustered OTP System Shared Storage

Caution – Caution –

Set the hard drive variables according to your cluster settings. Failure to do so will result in OTP high availability framework installation failure. The following steps must be performed on each host in your clustered OTP system, including the first OTP host.

Before You Begin
  1. Create the shared storage meta database on all hosts in the clustered OTP system.

    The following steps must be performed for each host in the clustered OTP system.

    1. Log in to the as root (su - root) on the clustered OTP host.

    2. Determine the drive on which root is mounted and the available free space.

      Typeprtvtoc `mount | awk '/^\/ / { print $3 }'` to list the hard drive slices and available space.

      For example:

      # prtvtoc `mount | awk '/^\/ / { print $3 }'` 
      * /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 partition map
      * Dimensions:
      *     512 bytes/sector
      *     424 sectors/track
      *      24 tracks/cylinder
      *   10176 sectors/cylinder
      *   14089 cylinders
      *   14087 accessible cylinders
      * Flags:
      *   1: unmountable
      *  10: read-only
      * Unallocated space:
      *       First     Sector    Last
      *       Sector     Count    Sector 
      *    63620352  79728960 143349311
      *                          First     Sector    Last
      * Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
             0      2    00    8201856  51205632  59407487   /
             1      3    01          0   8201856   8201855
             2      5    00          0 143349312 143349311
             3      0    00   59407488   2106432  61513919   /globaldevices
             7      0    00   61513920   2106432  63620351
    3. Create the database.

      Type metadb -a -f -c 6 disk slice where disk slice is an available file system.

      For example, based on the example in the previous step:

      # metadb -a -f -c 6 c0t0d0s7
  2. Create the shared storage files on the first OTP host only.

    The first OTP host must be connected to the shared storage.

    1. Log in to the first OTP host as root (su - root).

    2. Type scdidadm to determine which disks are seen on all nodes of the clustered OTP systemand choose one to be the shared disk to the metaset.

      In the following example d4, d5, d6, and d7 are shared disks.

      # /usr/cluster/bin/scdidadm -L
      1   otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0    /dev/did/rdsk/d1
      2   otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c2t0d0    /dev/did/rdsk/d2
      3   otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0    /dev/did/rdsk/d3
      4   otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c3t600C0FF000000000092C187A9755BE14d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4
      4   otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c3t600C0FF000000000092C187A9755BE14d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4
      5   otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c3t600C0FF000000000092C187A9755BE13d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d5
      5   otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c3t600C0FF000000000092C187A9755BE13d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d5
      6   otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c3t600C0FF000000000092C187A9755BE12d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d6
      6   otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c3t600C0FF000000000092C187A9755BE12d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d6
      7   otpclient1:/dev/rdsk/c3t600C0FF000000000092C187A9755BE11d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d7
      7   otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c3t600C0FF000000000092C187A9755BE11d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d7
      8   otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0    /dev/did/rdsk/d8
      9   otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c2t0d0    /dev/did/rdsk/d9
      10  otpclient2:/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0    /dev/did/rdsk/d10
    3. Add the additional OTP hosts.

      Type metaset -s sps–dg -a -h otpclient-1 otpclient-n where otpclient-1 otpclient-n is the list of OTP hosts separated by a space. For example:

      # metaset -s sps–dg -a -h otpclient1 otpclient2 otpclient3 \
        otpclient4 otpclient5 otpclient6 otpclient7 otpclient8
    4. Type metaset -s sps–dg -a shared-disk to add the shared disk to the metaset.

      In the following example, the d7 disk is assigned as the shared disk:

      # metaset -s sps–dg -a /dev/did/rdsk/d7
    5. Type metainit -s sps-dg d0 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d7s0

    6. Type newfs /dev/md/sps–dg/rdsk/d0

    7. On a two-host cluster only, set up the mediator strings for the sps-dg disk group.

      Type metaset -s sps–dg -a -m otpclient1 otpclientn where otpclient1 otpclientn is the list of OTP hosts separated by a space. For example:

      # metaset -s sps–dg -a -m otpclient1 otpclient2 otpclient3 \
        otpclient4 otpclient5 otpclient6 otpclient7 otpclient8
    8. Type metaset to verify the mediator host setup.

      The following example shows hosts otpclient1 and otpclient2 set up as mediator hosts.

      # metaset
      Set name = sps–dg, Set number = 1
      Host                Owner
        otpclient1         Yes
      Mediator Host(s)    Aliases
      Driv Dbase
      d4   Yes
  3. Update the /etc/vfstab file on all OTP hosts.

    The following steps must be performed on each clustered OTP host.

    1. Log in to theOTP host as root (su - root).

    2. Update the /etc/vfstab file.

      Type echo /dev/md/sps-dg/dsk/d0 /dev/md/sps-dg/rdsk/d0 /var/otp ufs 2 no global,logging >>/etc/vfstab

    3. Type mkdir -p /var/otp

Next Steps

Set up OTPsystem management and application provisioning services on the first OTP host as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Set Up OTP System Management and Application Provisioning Services on the First OTP Host

Before You Begin
  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the first OTP host.

  2. Create the OTP system management and application provisioning manager state file.

    1. Change directory to /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI.

    2. Type cp templates/setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost.dat /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost.dat

  3. Edit the file /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost.dat as follows.

    • mediaDirectory=OTP_Installation_directory: The fully qualified path name of the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory, for example: /net/otpinstall/otp1.0.

    • managementInterface=management interface name: The name of the first OTP host management port, for example bge1.

    • provisioningInterface=provisioning interface name: The name of the first OTP host provisioning port, for example bge0

    • logicalHost=logical host name: An unused logical host name on the same subnet as the first OTP host. If a logical host name that exists on a different subnet is specified, cluster installation fails.

    • logicalIPAddress=logical host name IP address: An unused IP address on the same subnet as the first OTP host.

    Save and close the file.

  4. Set up the system management and application provisioning services.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost.dat.

    The setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost script performs the following tasks:

    • Installs the Java Web console

    • Installs Open Telecommunications Platform patches

    • Installs the OTP high availability framework agent

    • Installs the OTP system management services

    • Installs the OTP application provisioning services on shared storage

    • Installs J2SE patches

      The setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost installation process logs to the file /var/tmp/OTPInstaller.log. You can use the tail -f command during installation to view the log file.

Next Steps

Set up system management and application provisioning services on theadditional OTP hosts as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Set Up System Management and Application Provisioning Services on the Additional OTP Hosts

OTP system management and application provisioning services must be set up on each additional OTP host. Perform the following procedure on each additional OTP host.

Before You Begin
  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the additional OTP host.

  2. Create the additional OTP host system management and application provisioning state file.

    1. Change directory to /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI.

    2. Type templates/setupManagementServicesOnOtherHosts /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnOtherHosts.dat.

  3. Edit the file /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnOtherHosts.dat as follows.

    • mediaDirectory=OTP_Installation_directory: The fully qualified path name of the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory, for example: /net/otpinstall/otp1.0.

    • logicalHost=logical host name: An unused logical host name on the same subnet as the first OTP host. If a logical host name that exists on a different subnet is specified, cluster installation fails.

    • logicalIPAddress=logical host name IP address: An unused IP address assigned to the host logical name that is on the same subnet as the first OTP host.

    Save and close the file.

    The system management and application provisioning manager state file should be similar to the following:

  4. Set up the OTP system management and application provisioning services.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupManagementServicesOnOtherHosts /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnOtherHosts.dat.

    The setupManagementServicesOnOtherHosts script performs the following tasks:

    • Installs the Java Web console

    • Installs Open Telecommunications Platform patches

    • Installs the OTP high availability framework agent

    • Installs the OTP system management services

    • Installs the OTP application provisioning services on shared storage

    • Installs J2SE patches

    The setupManagementServicesOnOtherHosts installation process logs to the file /var/tmp/OTPInstaller.log. You can use the tail -f command during installation to view the log file.

Next Steps

Enable the high availability agent as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Enable the High Availability Agent for the OTP Provisioning Service on the First OTP Host

The high availability agents must be enabled on the first OTP host.

Before You Begin

The following steps must be performed on the first OTP host.

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the first OTP host.

  2. Create the enable high availability state file.

    1. Change directory to /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI.

    2. Type cp templates/enableManagementServicesHA.dat /var/tmp/templates/enableManagementServicesHA.dat

  3. Edit the state file /var/tmp/templates/enableManagementServicesHA.dat as follows.

    • mediaDirectory=OTP_Installation_directory: The fully qualified path name of the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory, for example: /net/otpinstall/otp1.0.

    • logicalHost=logical host name: An unused logical host name on the same subnet as the first OTP host. If a logical host name that exists on a different subnet is specified, cluster installation fails.

    • logicalIPAddress=logical host name IP address: An unused IP address on the same subnet as the first OTP host.

    Save and close the file.

    The system management and application provisioning manager state file should be similar to the following:

  4. Enable high availability on the clustered OTP system.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/enableManagementServicesHAOnFirstHost.dat /var/tmp/enableManagementServicesHA.dat

    The enableManagementServicesHA script installs and enables the OTP application provisioning services high availability agent.

    The enableManagementServicesHA installation process logs to the file /var/tmp/OTPInstaller.log. You can use the tail -f command during installation to view the log file.

  5. Log in as root on the first OTP host and restart the remote agent.

    Type /etc/init.d/n1spsagent restart to restart the remote agent. If the remote agent is not restarted, then the service provisioning service on the first OTP host will not work properly.