Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.0 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Set Up OTP System Management and Application Provisioning Services on the First OTP Host

Before You Begin
  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the first OTP host.

  2. Create the OTP system management and application provisioning manager state file.

    1. Change directory to /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI.

    2. Type cp templates/setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost.dat /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost.dat

  3. Edit the file /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost.dat as follows.

    • mediaDirectory=OTP_Installation_directory: The fully qualified path name of the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory, for example: /net/otpinstall/otp1.0.

    • managementInterface=management interface name: The name of the first OTP host management port, for example bge1.

    • provisioningInterface=provisioning interface name: The name of the first OTP host provisioning port, for example bge0

    • logicalHost=logical host name: An unused logical host name on the same subnet as the first OTP host. If a logical host name that exists on a different subnet is specified, cluster installation fails.

    • logicalIPAddress=logical host name IP address: An unused IP address on the same subnet as the first OTP host.

    Save and close the file.

  4. Set up the system management and application provisioning services.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost /var/tmp/setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost.dat.

    The setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost script performs the following tasks:

    • Installs the Java Web console

    • Installs Open Telecommunications Platform patches

    • Installs the OTP high availability framework agent

    • Installs the OTP system management services

    • Installs the OTP application provisioning services on shared storage

    • Installs J2SE patches

      The setupManagementServicesOnFirstHost installation process logs to the file /var/tmp/OTPInstaller.log. You can use the tail -f command during installation to view the log file.

Next Steps

Set up system management and application provisioning services on theadditional OTP hosts as described in the next procedure.