Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Preparing and Deploying the OS to the New OTP Hosts

This section provides the procedures for using either the graphical user interface or the command line to create an OS profile, discover the new OTP hosts, and deploy the OS to the new OTP hosts.

The following topics are discussed:

Tip –

If you are unfamiliar with the OTP system, use the graphical user interface to prepare and deploy the OS to the new OTP hosts. The graphical user interface provides setup wizards to help you create the OS profile.

Preparing and Deploying the OS to the New OTP Hosts Using the Graphical User Interface

This section provides the graphical user interface procedures for creating the OS profile, discovering the new OTP hosts, and deploying the OS to the new OTP hosts.

ProcedureTo Create the OS Profile

  1. Open a Web browser and log in to the production OTP host system management service.

    Go to URL https://production OTP host:6789 where production OTP host is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the production OTP host.

    The Java Web console log in page is appears. Type your OTP account name and password to log in.

    The system management page appears.

  2. Click Sun N1 System manager.

    The System Manager page appears.

  3. Click New... beneath OS Profiles in the Task Shortcuts panel on the right side of the page.

    The Create Operating System Profile wizard appears. Step 1, Specify Initial OS Profile Information is displayed.

    Tip –

    Click Help on this panel and subsequent panels for a description of each panel.

  4. Specify the initial OS profile information.

    1. Type a name for the OS profile in the Name field.

    2. (Optional) Type a description of the OS profile in the Description field.

    3. Choose the OS distribution from the drop-down list in the Distribution field.

    4. Type the root password to be used for the new OS distribution in the Root Password field.

    5. Type the root password again in the Confirm Password field.

    Click Next. Step 2, Specify Preferences is displayed.

  5. Specify the language and time zone preferences.

    1. Choose the language locale from the Language drop down list.

    2. Choose the time zone from the Time Zone drop down list.

    Click Next. Step 2.1, Specify Solaris Flash archive is displayed.

  6. (Optional) Type the full path to the Solaris flash archive.

    • If you have not created a Solaris flash archive, click Next.

    • If you have created a Solaris flash archive, type the full path to the location of the flash archive, and then click Next.

    Step 3, Add Distribution Groups is displayed.

  7. Choose Entire Distribution plus OEM.

    Click Entire Distribution plus OEM in the Available column and then click Add to add it to the Selected column.

    Note –

    If your browser displays only a portion of the distributions, choose the second Entire Distribution in the list.

    Click Next. Step 4, Define Partitions is displayed.

  8. Define the partitions.

    Refer to Disk Drive Partitioning Requirements for disk drive partitioning requirements when allocating the root /, swap, and /globaldevices partitions.

    For each partition:

    • Type the partition name in the Mount Point field.

    • Type the file system type in the File System field.

    • Type the partition size in Mbytes in the Size (MB) field.

    • Click add.

    The partition is added beneath the entry fields.

    Caution – Caution –

    When specifying the disk partitions, ensure that you allocate the /globaldevices directory with at least 512 Mbytes of free space.

    The Partitions panel should be similar to the following:

    Screen capture: Define Partitions example

    When you have completed defining the partitions, click Next. Step 4, Specify NIS and LDAP Preferences is displayed.

  9. (Optional) Specify NIS and LDAP Preferences.

    • If you do not want to specify NIS and LDAP preferences, click Next.

      Step 6, Review Selections is displayed.

    • To specify NIS and LDAP preferences, check the items you want to specify and then click Next.

      Additional substeps labeled 5.1 up to 5.4 are displayed for each item you have checked. Click the Help tab within each step to display information about that step.

      When you have completed specifying the information for all of your selections, click Next. Step 6, Review Selections is displayed.

    Check the items that you want to specify and then click next. Depending on your choices

  10. Review your selections.

    Caution – Caution –

    Make certain that Entire Distribution plus OEM has been selected.

    If the selections are correct, click Finish. Otherwise, click the appropriate Step to correct the selections.

    When you click Finish, a job ID is displayed in the Command Pane. To view the job status, click the Jobs tab or type show job job ID in the Command Pane. When the job completes, the OS profile name is listed beneath OS Profiles in the Task Shortcuts panel.

Next Steps

Discover the new OTP hosts as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Discover the New OTP Host

  1. Open a Web browser and log in to the production OTP host system management service.

    Go to URL https://production OTP host:6789 where production OTP host is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the production OTP host.

    The Java Web console log in page is appears. Type your OTP account name and password to log in.

    The system management page appears.

  2. Click Discover.

    The Discovery wizard appears. Step 1, Specify Discovery Method is displayed.

    Tip –

    Click Help on this panel and subsequent panels for a description of each panel.

  3. Specify the discovery method.

    Select Use MAC address From a File and type the name of the file you created in To Create the XML Discovery File. For example, /tmp/discovery-mac-addresses

    Step 2, Specify Security Credentials is displayed.

  4. Specify the security credentials.

    • If you have not changed the ALOM settings, select Use Default Credentials and then click next.

    • If you have changed the settings, type the user name and password in the fields provided, and then click next.

      Refer to the server hardware documentation for information about ALOM credentials.

    Step 3, Specify the Server Group is displayed.

  5. Specify the server group into which the discovered new OTP host or hosts are to be placed and then click next.

    Tip –

    Place all of the new OTP hosts of a clustered OTP system in a single server group.

    Step 4, Review Selections is displayed.

  6. Review your selections.

    If the selections are correct, click Finish. Otherwise, click the appropriate step to correct the selections.

    When you click Finish, a job ID is displayed in the Command Pane. To view the job status, click the Jobs tab or type show job job ID in the Command Pane. Wait for discovery to complete. When the new OTP host or hosts are discovered, discovered hosts are listed on the System Dashboard tab.

Next Steps

Deploy the OS to the Clustered OTP Hosts as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Deploy the OS to the New OTP Hosts

  1. If you have closed the Web browser, open a Web browser and log in to the OTP master server system management service as described in the previous procedure.

    When you have logged on, click Sun N1 System manager to display the System Manager page.

  2. If the OS profile you created is not displayed beneath OS Profiles in the Task Shortcuts panel, click Edit List to display the list of available OS profiles.

    In the OS profile list, click the checkbox to the left of the OS profile you created, and then click OK.

    The OS profile list closes, and the OS profile name is displayed beneath OS Profiles in the Task Shortcuts panel.

  3. Click and drag OS profile over the name of the new OTP host that is to be provisioned, and release the mouse button.

    The Load OS wizard appears. Step 1, Specify OS Profile Loading Options is displayed.

  4. Specify OS profile loading operations.

    Note –

    If the OS profile name you chose in the previous step is not displayed in the OS Profile field, choose the OS profile from the drop-down menu.

    1. Select Static IP, and then enter the IP address that is to be assigned to the new OTP host when OS provisioning is completed.

    2. Clear the Use Default Settings checkbox.

    Click Next. Step 1.1, Specify Boot Parameters appears.

  5. Specify the boot parameters.

    Select Enable Manual Net Boot.

    Note –

    Do not specify any other values for this section. For more information, click the Help tab.

    Click Next. Step 1.2, Specify Boot Parameters appears.

  6. (Optional) Specify the boot parameters.

    1. Type ttya in the Console field.

    2. Type the baud rate in the Console Baud field. The default is 9600 baud.

    Click Next. Step 1.3, Specify Network Configuration is displayed.

  7. (Optional) Specify the network configuration.

    1. Type the gateway IP address in the Gateway field.

    2. Type the IP address of the DNS server in the Name Server field.

    3. Type the domain name in the Domain Name field.

    Click Next. Step 1.4, Specify Hostname is displayed.

  8. Specify the host name.

    Type the host name in the Hostname field and then click Next. Step 2, Select OS Management Features is displayed.

  9. Select OS management features.

    Choose the OS management feature from the Features drop-down list.

    • If you choose Base management, only the SSH credentials are required, and the remaining fields are disabled.

    • If you choose Base management and OS monitoring, all credentials are required.

    Type the required credentials in each field. Click the Help tab for information about each field.

    Click Next when you have completed typing the required information.

  10. Review your selections.

    Caution – Caution –

    Make certain that Entire Distribution plus OEM has been selected. If Entire Distribution plus OEM, you must create a new OS Profile in which Entire Distribution plus OEM has been specified as described in To Create the OS Profile.

    If the selections are correct, click Finish. Otherwise, click the appropriate Step to correct the selections.

    When you click Finish, the Load OS wizard closes, and a job is submitted to load the OS profile to the new OTP host. A job ID is displayed in the Command Line pane.

  11. Click the Jobs tab to view the job status, or type show job job ID in the Command Pane, where job ID is the ID that was displayed when you clicked Finish.

    Note –

    The new OTP host status on the System Dashboard tab will not update until the host has rebooted and the Load OS job has completed.

  12. When the new OTP host has rebooted, set up NIS on the host according to your network requirements.

Next Steps

Repeat the above steps for each new OTP host that is to be provisioned.

When you have completed provisioning the OS to all new OTP hosts, install OTP to the hosts as described in Installing OTP on New OTP Hosts Using the Production OTP Host

Preparing and Deploying the OS to the New OTP Hosts Using the Command Line

This section provides the command-line procedures for creating the OS profile, discovering the new OTP hosts, and deploying the OS to the new OTP hosts.

ProcedureTo Create the OS Profile

  1. Log in as root to the production OTP host.

  2. Type /opt/sun/n1gc/bin/n1sh to open the OTP command shell. For example:

    # /opt/sun/n1gc/bin/n1sh
  3. In the OTP command shell, type create osprofile os profile name os OS image name rootpassword root password where:

    • os profile name is the name of the OS profile to be created

    • OS image name is the name of the OS image you created in To Create the OS Image

    • root password is the root password of the production OTP host

    For example:

    N1-ok> create osprofile s10u2-profile os sol10u2 rootpassword otpadmin
  4. Set the OS profile language and time zone.

    Type set osprofile os profile name language locale timezone time zone where:

    • os profile name is the name of the OS profile you created in the previous step

    • language is your locale code

    • time zone is your time zone

    For example:

    N1-ok> set osprofile s10u2-profile language en_US.ISO8859-15 timezone GMT
  5. Set the OS installation type in the OS profile.

    Type add osprofile os profile name distributiongroup "Entire Distribution plus OEM support" where os profile name is the name of the OS profile you created .

    For example:

    N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2-profile distributiongroup "Entire Distribution plus OEM support"
  6. Set the root partition allocation in the OS profile.

    Type add osprofile os profile name partition / device disk slice type ufs sizeoption free.

    For example:

    N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2-profile partition / c0t0d0s0 type ufs sizeoption free
  7. Set the swap space allocation in the OS profile.

    Type add osprofile os profile name partition swap device disk slice type swap sizeoption fixed size size in Mbytes.

    For example:

    N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2-profile partition swap device c0t0d0s1 type swap sizeoption fixed size 4000
  8. Set the /globaldevices file system allocation in the OS profile.

    Type add osprofile os profile name partition /globaldevices device disk slice type ufs sizeoption fixed size size in Mbytes.

    For example:

    N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2-profile partition /globaldevices device c0t0d0s3
     type ufs sizeoption fixed size 4000

    Note –

    The above example was split into two lines to fit on the page. When typing the add osprofile command, type the full command as a single line.

Next Steps

Run discovery to identify the new OTP hosts to which the Solaris 10 Update 2 OS is to be deployed as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Discover the New OTP Hosts

  1. Log in as root to the OTP master server.

  2. Type /opt/sun/n1gc/bin/n1sh to open the OTP N1TM command shell. For example:

    # /opt/sun/n1gc/bin/n1sh
  3. Discover the new OTP host or hosts.

    Type the command discover XML discovery file name format=file where XML discovery file name is the name of the XML discovery file you created in To Create the XML Discovery File.

    An OTP job is submitted to discover the servers, and a job ID is displayed.

    Type show job to display the job status. When the job has completed, type show servers all to display a list of the new OTP hosts that have been discovered. To view details about a specific server, type show server server id where server id is a server ID listed by the show servers all.

Next Steps

Repeat the above steps for each new OTP host. When you have completed discovering the hosts, deploy the OS to the discovered hosts as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Deploy the OS to the New OTP Host

  1. Log in as root to the production OTP host.

  2. Type /opt/sun/n1gc/bin/n1sh to open the OTP command shell.

  3. Deploy the OS to the new OTP hosts

    In the OTP command shell, type load server ALOM IP address osprofile OS profile name networktype static IP Provisioning IP address hostname hostname manualnetboot=true where:

    • ALOM IP address is the IP address of the new OTP host's ALOM management port

    • OS profile name is the name of the OS profile

    • Provisioning IP address is the IP address of the new OTP host's provisioning interface

    • hostname is the name that will be assigned to the new OTP host

    For example:

    N1-ok> load server osprofile sol10u2-profile networktype 
    static IP otpclient1 manualnetboot=true

    Note –

    The above example has been split into two lines to fit on the page. When typing the load server command, type the entire command as one continuous line.

Next Steps

Repeat the above steps for each new OTP host that is to be provisioned.

When you have completed provisioning the OS to all new OTP hosts, install OTP to the hosts as described in Installing OTP on New OTP Hosts Using the Production OTP Host