Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Installation Guide

Automatic Installation With Increased Security (CSP)

The automatic installation also supports the Certificate Security Protocol (CSP) mode described in Chapter 4, Installing the Increased Security Features. To use the CSP security mode, you must fill out the CSP parameters of the template files. The parameters are as follows:

# This section is used for csp installation mode.
# CSP_RECREATE recreates the certs on each installation, if true.
# In case of false, the certs will be created, if not existing.
# Existing certs won't be overwritten. (mandatory for csp install)

# The created certs won't be copied, if this option is set to false
# If true, the script tries to copy the generated certs. This
# requires passwordless ssh/rsh access for user root to the
# execution hosts

# csp information, your country code (only 2 characters)
# (mandatory for csp install)

# your state (mandatory for csp install)

# your location, eg. the building (mandatory for csp install)

# your organisation (mandatory for csp install)

# your organisation unit (mandatory for csp install)

# your email (mandatory for csp install)

To start the installation, type the following command:

inst_sge -m -csp -auto template-file-name

Note –

Certificates are created during the installation process. These certificates have to be copied to each host of the installed cluster. The installation process can do this for you; however, you need to perform the following steps to allow the installation process appropriate permissions to copy the certificates:

  1. Use rsh/rcp or ssh/scp on each host.

  2. Provide the root user with access to each host over ssh or rsh, without entering a password.