Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Installation Guide

Automatic Uninstallation

You can also uninstall hosts automatically.

Note –

Uninstall all compute hosts before you uninstall the master host. If you uninstall the master host first, you have to uninstall all execution hosts manually.

To ensure that you have a clean environment, always source the $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/settings.csh file before proceeding.

Uninstalling Execution Hosts

During the execution host uninstallation, all configuration information for the targeted hosts is deleted. The uninstallation attempts to stop the exec hosts in a graceful manner. First, the queue instances associated with the target host of the uninstallation will be disabled, so that new jobs will not be started. Then, in sequence, the following actions are done on each running jobs: checkpoint the job; reschedule the job; do forced rescheduling of the job. At this point, the queue instance will be empty, and the execution daemon will be shut down, then the configuration, global spool directory or local spool directory will be removed.

The configuration file template has a section for identifying hosts that can be uninstalled automatically. Look for this section:

# Remove this execution hosts in automatic mode 
EXEC_HOST_LIST_RM="host1 host2 host3 host4"

Every host in the EXEC_HOST_LIST_RM list will be automatically removed from the cluster.

To start the automatic uninstallation of execution hosts, type the following command:

% ./inst_sge -ux -auto full-path-to-configuration-file

Uninstalling the Master Host

The master host uninstallation removes all of the N1 Grid Engine configuration files. After the uninstallation procedure completes, only the binary files remain. If you think that you will need the configuration information after the uninstallation, perform a backup of the master host. The master host uninstallation supports both interactive and automatic mode.

To start the automatic uninstallation of the master host, type the following command:

% ./inst_sge -um -auto full-path-to-configuration-file

This command performs the same procedure as in interactive mode, except the user is not prompted for confirmation of any steps and all terminal output is suppressed. Once the uninstall process is started, it cannot be stopped.

Uninstalling the Shadow Host

To start the automatic uninstallation of the shadow host, type the following command:

% ./inst_sge -usm -auto full-path-to-configuration-file

Uninstalling the Shadow Host

To start the automatic uninstallation of the shadow host, type the following command:

% ./inst_sge -usm -auto full-path-to-configuration-file