Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Installation Guide

Starting an Automatic Backup

After you set up the configuration file, type the following command to start the automatic backup:

% ./inst_sge -bup -auto full-path-to-configuration-file

To prevent overwriting existing backup files, a date/time combination is added to the end of the backup directory name that is specified in the configuration file.

Example 3–2 Backup Configuration File

# Autobackup Configuration File Template 
# Please, enter your SGE_ROOT here (mandatory) 
# Please, enter your SGE_CELL here (mandatory) 
# Please, enter your Backup Directory here 
# After backup you will find your backup files here (mandatory) 
# The autobackup will add a time /date combination to this dirname 
# to prevent an overwriting! 
# Please, enter true to get a tar/gz package 
# and false to copy the files only (mandatory) 
# Please, enter the backup file name here. (mandatory) 