Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Administration Guide

About the Urgency Policy

The urgency policy defines an urgency value for each job. The urgency value is derived from the sum of three contributions:

The resource requirement contribution is derived from the sum of all hard resource requests, one addend for each request.

If the resource request is of the type numeric, the resource request addend is the product of the following three elements:

If the resource request is of the type string, the resource request addend is the resource's urgency value as defined in the complex.

The waiting time contribution is the product of the job's waiting time, in seconds, and the waiting-weight value specified in the Policy Configuration dialog box.

The deadline contribution is zero for jobs without a deadline. For jobs with a deadline, the deadline contribution is the weight-deadline value, which is defined in the Policy Configuration dialog box, divided by the free time, in seconds, until the deadline initiation time.

For information about configuring the urgency policy, see Configuring the Urgency Policy.