Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User's Guide

Submitting an Array Job From the Command Line

To submit an array job from the command line, type the qsub command with appropriate arguments.

The following is an example of how to submit an array job:

% qsub -l h_cpu=0:45:0 -t 2-10:2

The -t option defines the task index range. In this case, 2-10:2 specifies that 2 is the lowest index number, and 10 is the highest index number. Only every second index, the :2 part of the specification, is used. Thus, the array job is made up of 5 tasks with the task indices 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Each task requests a hard CPU time limit of 45 minutes with the -l option. Each task executes the job script once the task is dispatched and started by the grid engine system. Tasks can use SGE_TASK_ID to find their index number, which they can use to find their input data record in the data file