Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User's Guide

Submitting an Array Job With QMON

Follow the instructions in How To Submit a Simple Job With QMON, additionally taking into account the following information.

The submission of array jobs from QMON works virtually identically to how the submission of a simple job is described in How To Submit a Simple Job With QMON. The only difference is that the Job Tasks input window that is shown in Figure 3–5 must contain the task range specification. The task range specification uses syntax that is identical to the qsub -t command. See the qsub(1) man page for detailed information about array index syntax.

For information about monitoring and controlling jobs in general, and about array jobs in particular, see Monitoring and Controlling Jobs and Monitoring and Controlling Jobs From the Command Line. See also the man pages for qstat(1), qhold(1), qrls(1), qmod(1), and qdel(1).

Array jobs offer full access to all facilities of the grid engine system that are available for regular jobs. In particular, array jobs can be parallel jobs at the same time. Array jobs also can have interdependencies with other jobs.

Note –

Array tasks cannot have interdependencies with other jobs or with other array tasks.