Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User's Guide

Controlling Jobs With qdel and qmod

To control jobs from the command line, type one of the following commands with the appropriate arguments.

% qdel arguments
% qmod arguments

Use the qdel command to cancel jobs, regardless of whether the jobs are running or are spooled. Use the qmod command to suspend and resume (unsuspend) jobs already running.

For both commands, you need to know the job identification number, which is displayed in response to a successful qsub command. If you forget the number, you can retrieve it with qstat. See Monitoring Jobs With qstat.

The following list provides several examples of the qdel and qmod commands:

% qdel job-id
% qdel -f job-id1, job-id2
% qmod -s job-id
% qmod -us -f job-id1, job-id2
% qmod -s job-id.task-id-range

In order to delete, suspend, or resume a job, you must be the owner of the job or a grid engine manager or operator. See Managers, Operators, and Owners.

You can use the -f (force) option with both commands to register a job status change at sge_qmaster without contacting sge_execd. You might want to use the force option in cases where sge_execd is unreachable, for example, due to network problems. The -f option is intended for use only by the administrator. In the case of qdel, however, users can force deletion of their own jobs if the flag ENABLE_FORCED_QDEL in the cluster configuration qmaster_params entry is set. See the sge_conf(5) man page for more information.