Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide
 online host
  determining ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Open Telecommunications Platform, See OTP
 operating system, requirements ( Index Term Link )
 OS images and profiles, backup and restore ( Index Term Link )
 OS installation
  external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  standalone OTP host ( Index Term Link )
 OSP plug-in
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  application programing interfaces ( Index Term Link )
  command line-based discovery of bare metal hosts using production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  command line install overview ( Index Term Link )
  command line installation prerequisites ( Index Term Link )
  creating OS image on production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  creating XML discovery file on production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  deploying OS using production OTP host, command line ( Index Term Link )
  deploying OS using production OTP host, GUI ( Index Term Link )
  EIS compliance ( Index Term Link )
  enable and disableservice provisioning
   command line ( Index Term Link )
   GUI ( Index Term Link )
  enable and disablesystem management
   command line ( Index Term Link )
   GUI ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling service provisioning ( Index Term Link )
  features ( Index Term Link )
  GUI-based discovery of bare metal hosts using production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  GUI install overview ( Index Term Link )
  GUI installation prerequisites ( Index Term Link )
  hardware components ( Index Term Link )
  hardware requirements ( Index Term Link )
  installing using command line ( Index Term Link )
  preparing production OTP host to deploy OTP ( Index Term Link )
  protocols ( Index Term Link )
  remote agent installation
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  software requirements ( Index Term Link )
  topologies ( Index Term Link )
 OTP host
  adding to the external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  backing upprovisioning service ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  GUI-based install
   clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
   standalone OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  installing operating system ( Index Term Link )
  partitioning requirements ( Index Term Link )
  removing from a clustered OTP system ( Index Term Link )
  removing remote agent
   before provisioning service backup ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  removing remote agent before provisioning service backup ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  repairing ( Index Term Link )
 OTP installation directory
  creating on external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  NFS-mounting on download server ( Index Term Link )
  NFS-mounting on external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )