Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Download and Uncompress the OTP and Solaris OS Installation Zip Files

Before You Begin

The server to which you download the Open Telecommunications Platform installation zip files must be network-accessible by the external OTP installation servers and by the OTP hosts, and have at least 6 Gbytes of available free disk space

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to a server that is network-accessible by your OTP system.

  2. (Optional) Download and install the Sun Download Manager.

    Downloads of large files using Web browsers can sometimes fail. For this reason, use the Sun Download Manager to download the Open Telecommunications Platform installation zip files. For instructions about how to download, install, and use the Sun Download Manager, go to

  3. Create a directory into which the installation zip files are to be saved.

    For example:

    # mkdir /otp-download
  4. Open a web browser and go to the Tech/OEM Web site Access is password protected. Your password for the Tech/OEM site is provided at the time of the order.

    1. Download the following five Solaris 10 Update 2zip files to the directory you created in Step 3:






    2. Download the following four Open Telecommunications Platform installation zip files to the directory you created in Step 8:




  5. Change directory to the installation directory you created in Step 3.

  6. Create the single Solaris 10 Update 2 ISO image.

    1. Unzip each of the ISO image zip files.

      For example:

      # unzip
      # unzip
      # unzip
      # unzip
      # unzip
    2. Concatenate the unzipped ISO files to a single ISO image.

      For example:

      # cat sol-10-u2-ga-sparc-dvd-iso-a sol-10-u2-ga-sparc-dvd-iso-b \
      	sol-10-u2-ga-sparc-dvd-iso-c sol-10-u2-ga-sparc-dvd-iso-d \
      	sol-10-u2-ga-sparc-dvd-iso-e > sol10u2-ga-sparc-dvd.iso
  7. Prepare the Solaris 10 Update 2 ISO image.

    Use any of the three following three methods to prepare the Solaris 10 Update 2 ISO image for installation on the each server selected for the Open Telecommunications Platform system.

    • Burn the Solaris 10 Update 2 ISO image you created to a DVD-R.

    • Set up a JumpStart server to install Solaris 10 Update 2.

    • Create an empty NFS-mounted directory and then mount the Solaris 10 Update 2 to the NFS-mounted directory as follows:

      • Create an empty directory that will be used as the Solaris 10 Update 2 ISO image mount-point directory. For example: mkdir /sol10u2

      • Add the mount-point directory name to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.

        For example: echo `share -F nfs -o ro,log=global -d "Sol10U2 ISO mount point" /sol10u2' >> /etc/dfs/dfstab

      • Type svcadm restart nfs/server to stop and then restart NFS.

      • Mount the Solaris 10 Update 2 ISO image to the mount-point directory. For example:

        mount -F hsfs -o ro `lofiadm -a /otp-download/sol10u2-ga-sparc-dvd.iso` /sol10u2

  8. Create the Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory and files.

    1. Concatenate the zipped Open Telecommunications Platform files to a single zip file.

      For example:

      # cat>
    2. Unzip the Open Telecommunications Platform zip file you created to create the installation directory and files.

      For example:

      # unzip

      The Open Telecommunications Platform installation directory otp1.1 is created.

  9. Move the otp1.1 directory to the root file system.

    For example:

    #  mv otp1.1 /
  10. NFS-mount the /otp1.1 directory.

    1. Add the fully-qualified path name of the /otp1.1 installation directory to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.

      For example:

      echo `share -F nfs -o ro,log=global -d "OTP 1.1 Installation Directory" /otp1.1' >> /etc/dfs/dfstab
    2. Type svcadm restart nfs/server to stop and then restart NFS and NFS-mount the /otp1.1 OTP installation directory.

    NFS-mounting the /otp1.1 simplifies setting up the external OTP installation server.

Next Steps

Set up the external OTP installation server as described in the next section.