Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

Standalone OTP Host Plan Worksheet

The following table lists the plan settings that you need to provide during installation and configuration of the Open Telecommunications Platform on a standalone OTP host. Plan setting names used in the graphical user interface installation are listed in bold text.

Tip –

Print the following table and then fill out the required information to use while installing and configuring the Open Telecommunications Platform on the standalone OTP host.

Table 2–5 Standalone OTP Host System Settings Worksheet

Setting Name 


Setting Value 

Media Directory (GUI)

mediaDirectory (CLI)


/net/external OTP installation server/otp1.1



Target Host Physical Name (GUI)

targetHostPhysicalName (CLI)




Target Host Physical IP (GUI)

targetHostPhysicalIP (CLI)



Cluster Name (GUI)

clusterName (CLI)



Enable Auto Configuration of IPMP (GUI)

autoConfigureIPMP (CLI)

  • yes

  • no

Secondary Interface for failover (GUI)

secondaryInterface (CLI)

cd1, bge1, hme1, eri1


Secondary IP (GUI)

secondaryIP (CLI)



Test Address for IPMP (GUI)

testIPAddress (CLI)



Logical Host (GUI)

logicalHost (CLI)



Logical IP Address (GUI)

logicalIPAddress (CLI)



Install All Patches (GUI)

allPatches (CLI)

  • yes

  • no

Management Interface (GUI)

managementInterface (CLI)

bge0, ce0, cd0, hme0, eri0


Provisioning Interface (GUI)

provisioningInterface (CLI)

bge0, ce0, cd0, hme0, eri0
