Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Deploy the OS to the New OTP Hosts

  1. If you have closed the Web browser, open a Web browser and log in to the OTP master server system management service as described in the previous procedure.

    When you have logged on, click Sun N1 System manager to display the System Manager page.

  2. If the OS profile you created is not displayed beneath OS Profiles in the Task Shortcuts panel, click Edit List to display the list of available OS profiles.

    In the OS profile list, click the checkbox to the left of the OS profile you created, and then click OK.

    The OS profile list closes, and the OS profile name is displayed beneath OS Profiles in the Task Shortcuts panel.

  3. Click and drag OS profile over the name of the new OTP host that is to be provisioned, and release the mouse button.

    The Load OS wizard appears. Step 1, Specify OS Profile Loading Options is displayed.

  4. Specify OS profile loading operations.

    Note –

    If the OS profile name you chose in the previous step is not displayed in the OS Profile field, choose the OS profile from the drop-down menu.

    1. Select Static IP, and then enter the IP address that is to be assigned to the new OTP host when OS provisioning is completed.

    2. Clear the Use Default Settings checkbox.

    Click Next. Step 1.1, Specify Boot Parameters appears.

  5. Specify the boot parameters.

    Select Enable Manual Net Boot.

    Note –

    Do not specify any other values for this section. For more information, click the Help tab.

    Click Next. Step 1.2, Specify Boot Parameters appears.

  6. (Optional) Specify the boot parameters.

    1. Type ttya in the Console field.

    2. Type the baud rate in the Console Baud field. The default is 9600 baud.

    Click Next. Step 1.3, Specify Network Configuration is displayed.

  7. (Optional) Specify the network configuration.

    1. Type the gateway IP address in the Gateway field.

    2. Type the IP address of the DNS server in the Name Server field.

    3. Type the domain name in the Domain Name field.

    Click Next. Step 1.4, Specify Hostname is displayed.

  8. Specify the host name.

    Type the host name in the Hostname field and then click Next. Step 2, Select OS Management Features is displayed.

  9. Select OS management features.

    Choose the OS management feature from the Features drop-down list.

    • If you choose Base management, only the SSH credentials are required, and the remaining fields are disabled.

    • If you choose Base management and OS monitoring, all credentials are required.

    Type the required credentials in each field. Click the Help tab for information about each field.

    Click Next when you have completed typing the required information.

  10. Review your selections.

    Caution – Caution –

    Make certain that Entire Distribution plus OEM has been selected. If Entire Distribution plus OEM is not listed, you must create a new OS Profile in which Entire Distribution plus OEM has been specified as described in To Create the OS Profile.

    If the selections are correct, click Finish. Otherwise, click the appropriate Step to correct the selections.

    When you click Finish, the Load OS wizard closes, and a job is submitted to load the OS profile to the new OTP host. A job ID is displayed in the Command Line pane.

  11. Click the Jobs tab to view the job status, or type show job job ID in the Command Pane, where job ID is the ID that was displayed when you clicked Finish.

    Note –

    The new OTP host status on the System Dashboard tab will not update until the host has rebooted and the Load OS job has completed.

Next Steps

Repeat the above steps for each new OTP host that is to be provisioned.

When you have completed provisioning the OS to all new OTP hosts, install OTP to the hosts as described in Installing OTP on a New OTP Host Using the OTP Master Server