Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Discover the New OTP Host

  1. Open a Web browser and log in to the OTP master server system management service.

    Go to URL https://OTP master server:6789 where OTP master server is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the OTP master server.

    The Java Web console log in page is appears. Type your OTP account name and password to log in.

    The system management page appears.

  2. Click Discover.

    The Discovery wizard appears. Step 1, Specify Discovery Method is displayed.

    Tip –

    Click Help on this panel and subsequent panels for a description of each panel.

  3. Specify the discovery method.

    Select Use MAC address From a File and type the name of the file you created in Provisioning Bare Metal Systems Using Manual Discovery. For example, /tmp/discovery-mac-addresses

    Step 2, Specify Security Credentials is displayed.

  4. Specify the security credentials.

    • If you have not changed the ALOM settings, select Use Default Credentials and then click next.

    • If you have changed the settings, type the user name and password in the fields provided, and then click next.

      Refer to the server hardware documentation for information about ALOM credentials.

    Step 3, Specify the Server Group is displayed.

  5. Specify the server group into which the discovered new OTP host or hosts are to be placed and then click next.

    Tip –

    Place all of the new OTP hosts of a clustered OTP system in a single server group.

    Step 4, Review Selections is displayed.

  6. Review your selections.

    If the selections are correct, click Finish. Otherwise, click the appropriate step to correct the selections.

    When you click Finish, a job ID is displayed in the Command Pane. To view the job status, click the Jobs tab or type show job job ID in the Command Pane. Wait for discovery to complete. When the new OTP host or hosts are discovered, discovered hosts are listed on the System Dashboard tab.

Next Steps

Deploy the OS to the clustered OTP hosts as described in the next procedure.