Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

Adding a Host to the Existing Cluster

This section provides the procedure for adding a host to an existing clustered OTP system.

ProcedureTo Add a Host to the Existing Cluster

Before You Begin

Ensure that the sponsoring host (the first OTP host of the cluster) is added to the host list in the service provisioning service. See To Add Hosts to the External OTP Installation Server.

  1. Install the Solaris OS on the new OTP host as described in Installing Solaris 10 Update 2 and the Remote Agent on the OTP Hosts.

  2. Configure the Solaris OS on the new OTP host as described in Configuring Solaris 10 Update 2

  3. Create a mount point /var/otp on the new OTP host.

    # mkdir -p /var/otp

  4. Add the following entry to the /etc/vfstab file.

    /dev/md/sps-dg/dsk/d0 /dev/md/sps-dg/rdsk/d0 /var/otp ufs 2 no global,logging

  5. Provision OTP on the new OTP host using either the graphical user interface or the command line interface.

    1. Perform the following steps to provision OTP using the graphical user interface.

    2. Perform the following steps to provision OTP through the command line interface.

      • Run the deployOTPMultiNode script with the -addNode option.

        Type the command

        /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/deployOTPMultiNode -addNode /local-path/inputOTPMultiNode.dat

        where local-path is the path to the file inputOTPMultiNode.dat.

      • Create metadb on the host and add the host to metaset as described in To Create Shared Storage on the Clustered OTP System.

      • Run the deployOTPMultiNode script with the -addNodeCont option.

        Type the command

        /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/deployOTPMultiNode -addNodeCont /local-path/inputOTPMultiNode.dat

        where local-path is the path to the file inputOTPMultiNode.dat.

      Note –

      Quorum automatic configuration applies only to two-host clustered OTP systems. If you disable quorum automatic configuration on a two-host cluster by choosing no, you must manually configure the quorum for the two-host cluster and reset the cluster configuration as described in Installing the Open Telecommunications Platform on a Clustered OTP System.

      For further information, see “Quorum and Quorum Devices” in Sun Cluster Concepts Guide for Solaris OS to understand the requirements for Quorum. Reconfigure the quorum as described in “Administering Quorum” in Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS.

      You can use the scsetup(1M) utility to add a node to the node list of an existing quorum device. To modify a quorum device's node list, you must remove the quorum device, modify the physical connections of nodes to the quorum device you removed, then add the quorum device to the cluster configuration again. When a quorum device is added, scconf(1M) automatically configures the node-to-disk paths for all nodes attached to the disk.

  6. Set the system property for the otp-system-rg resource group to false.

    Type the command scrgadm -c -g otp-system-rg -h RG_system=false

  7. Determine the current IPMP groups.

    Type scrgadm -pvv | grep otp-lhn:NetIfList | grep value to list the current IPMP groups. For example:

    # scrgadm -pvv | grep otp-lhn:NetIfList | grep value
        (otp-system-rg:otp-lhn:NetIfList) Res property value: sc_ipmp0@1
  8. Determine the node ID value as follows:

    # scconf -pvv | grep pcl3-ipp2 | grep ID
    (pcl3-ipp2) Node ID: 2 

    The IPMP group for the new node in this example would be sc_ipmp0@2

  9. Add the IPMP group for the newly added host to the Logical Host Name resource.

    Type the command

    scrgadm -c -j otp-lhn -x NetIfList=list of IPMP groups

    where list of IPMP groups is the current list of IPMP groups. For example:

    # scrgadm -c -j otp-lhn -x NetIfList=sc_ipmp0@1,sc_ipmp0@2
  10. Determine the current node list.

    Type the command scrgadm -pvv | grep otp-system-rg | grep Nodelist. For example:

    # scrgadm -pvv | grep otp-system-rg | grep Nodelist
    (otp-system-rg) Res Group Nodelist: pc13-ipp1
  11. Add the host to the resource group.

    # scrgadm -c -g resource-group -y nodelist

    For example, add the host to the otp-system-rg resource group.

    # scrgadm -c -g otp-system-rg -y nodelist=pcl3-ipp1,pcl3-ipp2

  12. Set the system property for the otp-system-rg resource group to true.

    scrgadm -c -g otp-system-rg -y RG_system=true