Sun Secure File Transport User Guide

Downloading and Installing Sun SFT


How do I obtain Sun SFT?


Information and download link for the software are included on the Services Tools Bundle page, located at:


Do I need a Sun Online Account for Sun SFT?


Yes, a Sun Online Account is required to run Sun SFT. If you do not have a Sun Online Account or if you have forgotten your user name or password, go to Your username and password will be requested when running the /opt/SUNWsasm/bin/sasm transport -r command to register Sun Automated Service Manager for data transport.

Note –

Your username is stored in a configuration file, but the given password is used only for a one time registration process and is not stored anywhere by Sun SFT or Sun Automated Service Manager.


How do I install or upgrade Sun SFT?


Install it using the Solaris pkgadd command. Full details about the installation are included in Chapter 3, Sun SFT How-To.


On what system should I install Sun SFT?


Install Sun SFT on a system that has direct or proxied access to the Internet. Sun products running Explorer software need to be able to transfer files to the system where Sun SFT is installed.


Are authenticated proxies or Windows NTLM proxies supported?


Sun SFT supports basic proxy authentication and Windows NTLM version 1.

When NTLM is in use, it might generate some extra log output. To mask this, in /etc/opt/SUNWsftransport/ change org.apache.commons.httpclient.level = WARNING to org.apache.commons.httpclient.level = SEVERE and restart the SASM process.

An alternate workaround (not tested, endorsed, or supported by Sun) is the open source "NTLM Authentication Proxy Server" project located at


How large should the Sun SFT target transfer directory be?


It depends on the number of Explorer files that you choose to send and the average size of your Explorer data. Since Explorer output is the data that will be gathered together in the transfer directory and then sent by Sun SFT, plan the size of the transfer directory accordingly.

By default, Sun SFT saves only the files that failed to be sent; it removes files that were sent successfully unless configured to archive these files.


How do I configure Sun SFT to run with a specific Java install?


At the top of the /opt/SUNWsftransport/bin/sftransport and /opt/SUNWsasm/bin/sasm files, modify the JAVA= line, for example: JAVA=/usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_13/bin/java