Sun Secure File Transport User Guide

About the Sun™ Secure File Transport


What is the Sun™ Secure File Transport (Sun SFT)?


Sun SFT is a configurable and automated method for sending data collected by Sun Explorer software, or other system telemetry data, to Sun Microsystems, Inc.


On what architecture or machines does Sun SFT run?


Sun SFT runs on Solaris™ versions 9 and 10 on SPARC and Solaris 10 only on x86 architecture. Java 1.5.0 or higher is required on these systems.


What Sun SFT command options are available?


Run sftransport -h to see a list of acceptable command options. For more information, see the sftransport(1m) man page.


How many Explorer clients can Sun SFT support?


Sun SFT can support any number of Explorer clients. It might be appropriate to use multiple Sun SFT instances for manageability and to ensure that files are sent to Sun without unreasonable delay. A single Sun SFT instance can support up to 32 concurrent transfers . You need to define the concurrency appropriate to your specific needs and infrastructure. The number of concurrent transfers depends on the volume of Explorer files you need to send, the average size of the files, and your network bandwidth. If a single Sun SFT instance does not satisfy the file transfer volume, then additional Sun SFT instances should be installed on other hosts.