Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Chapter 15 Managing and Customizing the Tabs

You can use tabs to categorize the information on your desktop. A tab is a web page. Each top level tab can have multiple nested tabs. The order that your tabs are displayed in the Desktop is the order in which they are listed in the display profile. So, to make a tab the first tab in the user’s Desktop, you need to move it and make it the first in the selected list in the display profile.

Managing the Tabs

This section contains the following tasks that describe how:

ProcedureTo Add a Tab

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the Add Tab button.

    The page to add a tab pops-up.

  3. Specify whether or not this tab will have sub-tabs by selecting the corresponding radio button.

  4. Specify the title for the tab in the Page Title text box.

    Note that the title you specify here is the name of the tab as displayed on the desktop.

  5. Specify the container name for the tab in the Container Name text box.

    This is the name by which the Portal Server software identifies this tab. The name you specify here can be the same as the tab title (you specified in step 4), but each name must be unique.

  6. Specify whether or not the page will enable AJAX for end users.

    Note –

    If a tab is Ajax enabled, you get the following functionality:

    • Drag and drop positioning of channels and portlets on the page

    • Asynchronous interaction for channel container controls such as minimize, remove, and maximize

    • Independent refresh for individual channels and portlets without refreshing the complete page

    • Edit channels and portlets inline without refreshing the complete page

    • Easy addition and removal of channels

  7. Click on Finish.

    The tab is added to the desktop in your work area.

ProcedureTo Add a Sub-Tab

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the primary tab for which you wish to create a secondary tab.

    The primary tab must allow sub tabs.

  3. Click on the Add Tab button.

    The page to add a secondary tab pops up.

  4. Specify the title for the tab in the Tab Title text box.

    Note that the title you specify here is the name of the tab as displayed on the desktop.

  5. Specify the container name for the tab in the Container Name text box.

    This is the name by which the Portal Server software identifies this tab. The name you specify here can be the same as the tab title (you specified in step 3), but each name must be unique.

  6. Specify whether or not to make this tab AJAX enabled by selecting the corresponding radio button.

  7. Click on Add.

    The secondary tab is added under the primary tab on the desktop in your work area.

ProcedureTo Edit a Tab

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the tab you wish to edit.

  3. Click on the Edit Tab button in the Tab Actions menu.

    The page with the editable properties for the tab pops up.

  4. Click on Close after you have made the modifications.

ProcedureTo Remove a Tab

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the tab (you wish to remove) in the work area.

  3. Click on Remove Tab icon in the Tab Actions menu.

    A page to remove the tab pops up.

  4. Confirm the tab removal by clicking on Remove button to remove the tab.

    The tab is removed from the desktop in your work area.

ProcedureTo Move a Tab

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the tab (you wish to move) in the work area.

  3. Click on the:

    Move Tab to Left

    To move the tab to the left.

    Move Tab to Right

    To move the tab to the right.

    You can notice the tab move in your work area.

Categorizing Content Using Tabs

ProcedureTo Make the Tab the Start Tab

The “Start tab” is the tab that is highlighted when user first logs in.

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the tab you wish to make as the start tab.

  3. Click on the Edit Tab button in the Tab Actions menu.

    The page with the editable properties for the tab pops up.

  4. Change the startTab property to the tab to highlight when the user logs in.

    For example, in the Sandbox sample, by default, the value is Tab1/SubTab1.

  5. Click on Close after you have made the modifications.