Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Managing Channels

ProcedureTo Move a Channel

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where the channel that you wish to move is located.

  3. In the Channel title bar, select the:

    Up or Down icon

    To move the channel up or down on the desktop.

    Left (<) or Right (>) icon

    To move the channel to the right or left on the desktop. Note that a thin channel cannot be moved into a wide column and a wide channel cannot be moved into a thin column. However, in a three column (thin-wide-thin) desktop, a channel from the thin column can be moved to the left or right thin column using the right or left (<) icon.

ProcedureTo Remove a Channel

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where the channel that you wish to remove is located.

  3. In the Channel title bar, select the close (x) icon to remove the channel from the desktop.

ProcedureTo Add a Channel

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where you wish to add the channel.

  3. Select the channel that you wish to add from the Channel Library in the right pane.

  4. Click on Add To Desktop button to add the channel to the desktop in your work area.

    If the channel selected in the library area is a library channel, a popup window appears where you must specify the channel name, channel title, and channel width. If the channel selected is a channel instance at the current display profile node, the channel instance is added to the current selected tab.

ProcedureTo Configure a Channel

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where the channel you wish to configure is located.

  3. Select the Configure Channel link in the channel.

    The page with the channel properties pops up to allow you to edit the channel properties.

  4. Click on Close after completing the modifications.

ProcedureTo Set Channel Toolbar Properties

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where the channel is located.

  3. Select the Set Toolbar Properties link in the Channel window.

    The page with the channel toolbar properties for the channel to modify pops up. This page allows you to modify the channel toolbar and display properties (such as minimizable, maximizable, movable, removable) with respect to the tab that the channel resides in.

  4. Click on Save to save the values.

  5. Click on Close to close the pop up window.

ProcedureTo Make a Channel Visible or Invisible to the User

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where the channel is located.

  3. Select the link to:

    Make Channel Not Visible to end user

    To make the channel invisible.

    Make Channel Visible

    To make the channel visible on the user's desktop.