Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

How Are The Templates Stored?

The community templates are stored on filesystem. Community templates are stored in PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-URI/communitytemplates directory (referred to as communityTemplateBaseDir). Note that this means that each Portal (in a multi-portal deployment environment) will and must have its own set of community templates. The resource bundle in communityTemplateBaseDir defines the meta data associated with each template. In addition, each template has its own directory where the role templates are stored.

Example 9–1 Sample communityTemplateBaseDir

communityTemplateBaseDir   -+-- template1 -+-- deleted.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- disabled.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- member.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- owner.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- visitor.xml
                           -+-- template2 -+-- deleted.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- disabled.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- member.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- owner.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- visitor.xml
                           -+-- template3 -+-- deleted.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- disabled.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- member.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- owner.xml
                            |              |
                            |              +-- visitor.xml
                            +--       ...

The display profile disabled.xml and deleted.xml files control the content when the community is disabled or marked for deletion. See Managing a community status for more information.