Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Managing a community status

This section contains the following:

Enabling and Disabling a Community

A portal administrator, using either Portal Server management console or psadmin CLI, can disable a community. Likewise, only the portal administrator can enable a disabled community. Access to a disabled community is blocked to everyone including members and owners. An attempt to search for any content posted on a disabled community would yield no result. By default, a newly created community is enabled.

Use disabled.xml template to show how a disabled community would be presented to users. See Understanding Community Templatesto understand the display profiles for a community template.

Deleting and Restoring a community

A community owner or a system administrator can delete a community. When a community is deleted, the community itself and the data pertaining to the community are not accessible. However, in the back-end storage, the data still remains and thus the community can be restored on demand. The task of restoring a deleted community is done by the portal administrator. This undo functionality is made available to reverse a malicious or accidental deletion of a community. Since the deletion is not permanent, a new community by the same name can not be created. A permanent and persistent removal of a community is currently not supported. But we can use psadmin subcommand destroy-community to remove the community permanently.

Use deleted.xml template to show how a deleted community would be presented to users. See Understanding Community Templates to understand the display profiles for a community template.