Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Procedure To Add Portal Services to an Organization

Portal requires several services to be added to an organization before the Portal Server is accessible to the organization. After you add Portal services to the organization, use the Portal Server management console to administer Portal Server settings. [When a PortalID Desktop service is added to an organization or a role, it specifies default settings. It do not inherit the PortalID Desktop service settings from an organization or a role above it. You need to use the Portal Service management console to manage these service settings as per your need.]

  1. Log in to the Access Manager console.

    For information about Access Manager administration, see the Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Guide.

  2. Under Identity Management, select Organizations from the View menu.

  3. Click your organization.

    For example: TestOrganization

  4. In the View menu for the organization, select Services.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Select the following services, if they are available in your deployment:

    • Mobile Application Configuration

      • Mobile Address Book

      • Mobile Calendar

      • Mobile Mail

    • Portal Server Configuration

      • portalID Desktop

      • portalID Subscriptions

      • SSO Adapter

    • Remote Portlets (WSRP)

      • portalID WSRP Consumer

    • Secure Remote Access Configuration

      • Access List

      • NetFile

      • Netlet

      • Proxylet

  7. Click OK.