Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Specify Required Portal Services for New Users

After you add all of the Portal services to an organization, you must use the Access Manager console to add the services to newly created end-users so that they can access the Portal Desktop and whatever Portal services they need.

The Access Manager Administration service allows you to specify which services are dynamically added to end-user entries when they are created. If your Portal deployment allows users to be created, such as a "Sign-Me Up" feature, specify the Required Services setting in the Access Manager console for your organization.

Before You Begin

Add Portal services to the organization. See Adding Portal Services to Organizations.

  1. Log in to the Access Manager console.

    For information about Access Manager administration, see the Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Guide.

  2. Add the Administration Service.

    1. Under Identity Management, select Organizations from the View menu.

    2. Click your organization.

      For example: TestOrganization

    3. In the View menu for the organization, select Services.

    4. Click Add.

    5. Select the Administration service and Click OK.

  3. Specify the setting for Administration Service Required Services.

    This setting specifies whether to assign all services in the required services list to a new end user.

    1. Select the Administration service setting.

    2. For the Required Services setting, specify the following services:

      • SunPortalportalIDDesktopService

      • SunPortalportalIDSubscriptionsService

      • SunMobileAppABService

      • SunMobileAppCalendarService

      • SunMobileAppMailService

      • SunSSOAdapterService

    3. Click Save.

  4. Log out of the Access Manager console.