The following prerequisite tasks must be met before you install Sun OTP.
Install Solaris OS from the bootable OTP DVD.
Refer to Solaris 10 11/06 Installation Guide: Basic Installations or Solaris 10 11/06 Installation Guide: Solaris Flash Archives (Creation and Installation) for more information.
On SPARC systems
Insert the bootable Sun OTP DVD.
The bootable DVD for SPARC contains the hybrid flash image that can be used for deploying the sun4v and sun4u hardware architecture platforms.
Start the installation from the bootable DVD by typing the following command:
boot cdrom
This will prompt you for an interactive Solaris installation.
Respond to the system identification and configuration screens.
From the Solaris Interactive Installation screen, select F4_Flash install.
From the Flash Archive Retrieval Method screen, place the X symbol on Local File and press F2_Continue.
From the Flash Archive Addition screen, provide the /cdrom/Solaris_10/otp_sparc.flarc path and then press F2_Continue.
Continue to respond to the remaining screens until the installation starts and completes.
When the system reboots, insert the installation DVD.
On x64 systems
Installation does not ask for the partitioning or image name. The first disk is chosen automatically and OTP default disk formatting is applied. The existing data, if any, is overwritten.
Log in as root (su - root) to the Sun OTP host.
Install the remote agent on the Sun OTP host.
/opt/SUNWotp/cli/setupRemoteAgent -c RAW|SSH mediadir
mediadir is the fully qualified path name to the Open Telecommunications Platform installation source directory. The media directory is the path where the installation DVD is mounted.
Repeat this step on each Sun OTP host. All the remote agents on the cluster must use the same connection type (SSH or RAW).
(Applicable for SSH connection type) Configure SSH for the remote agent.
(Applicable for SSH connection type) Initialize the SSH keys.
Log in as spsotp user (su - spsotp) to the Sun OTP provisioning server.
Append the ssh public key of spsotp user from the Sun OTP provisioning server to authorized ssh keys located in the home directory of n1spsotp user on each Sun OTP host.
cat /var/otp/.ssh/ | ssh n1spsotp@hostname "tee >> /export/home/n1spsotp/.ssh/authorized_keys2"
hostname is the host name of Sun OTP host.
Self-contained Sun OTP provisioning server is installed on the first host of the cluster.
Self-contained Sun OTP provisioning server uses a specific logical host name and IP address defined at the beginning of the Sun OTP installation. However, to make Sun OTP application provisioning service highly available, the server is moved to a different logical host name (logical host name for management and provisioning services) at the end of “Configure Components as Highly Available Services” plan. After “Configure Components as Highly Available Services” plan is finished, this new logical host name has to be used to access the Sun OTP provisioning server.
Log in as root (su - root) to the first host of the cluster.
Add the logical host name and the logical IP address to the /etc/hosts file.
This logical host name and the logical IP address is used in the next step to set up the Sun OTP provisioning server.
Set up the Sun OTP provisioning server in the first host of the cluster.
/opt/SUNWotp/cli/setupExternalInstallServer -M mediadir -N nodetype -R RAW|SSH -P passwordfile -L logicalhost -I logicalip
mediadir is the fully qualified path name to the Open Telecommunications Platform installation source directory. The media directory is the path where the installation DVD is mounted.
nodetype can either be single (for stand-alone deployments) or first (for clustered deployments).
-R is the connection type between Sun OTP application provisioning service master server and the remote agent. RAW and SSH are the possible connection types between Sun OTP application provisioning service master server and the remote agent.
logicalhost and logicalip are unused logical host names and logical IP addresses.
passwordfile is the absolute path of the password file. You can create this file in your home directory. The password file must contain a line with a valid password for the Sun OTP provisioning server. The password can be 8 to 12 alphanumeric characters.
Once you set up the Sun OTP provisioning server with this password, the user name to access the Sun OTP provisioning server is otpadmin and the password is the password in the password file.
The password specified in this step and the password that will be specified during the Setup Configuration plan must be the same.