Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Developer's Guide for Client Applications

The BusinessObjectStorage Class

Table 4–2 lists the methods belonging to the BusinessObjectStorage class. This class manages the storage and retrieval of BusinessObject instances in their serialized form on the device's filesystem. The factory method used to get an instance of this class is SyncManager.getBusinessObjectStorage.

Table 4–2 Class com.sun.mep.client.api.BusinessObjectStorage



public boolean deleteAllBusinessObjects()

Deletes all of the business objects from the device's file system. Returns true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. 

public void deleteBusinessObject(java.lang.String name)

Deletes the serialized form of the BusinessObject with the specified file name.

public void deleteBusinessObject(BusinessObject obj)

Convenience method equivalent to deleteBusinessObject(obj.getName() + extension).

public java.util.Vector listBusinessObjectNames()

Returns a list of file names for all of the serialized BusinessObject instances that match the extension.

public void readBusinessObject(BusinessObject result)

Reads a serialized BusinessObject from the device's filesystem and returns the result by reference in the result parameter.

public void writeBusinessObject(BusinessObject obj)

Writes the serialized form of the specified BusinessObject to the device's filesystem, possibly replacing any existing data.