Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Developer's Guide for Client Applications

The SMSMessageHandler Class

Table 4–6 lists the constructor and methods belonging to the SMSMessageHandler class. This class is a callback handler for SMS push notification messages sent from the Gateway Engine.

Table 4–6 Class com.sun.mep.client.api.SMSMessageHandler



public SMSMessageHandler()

No-argument constructor. 

public abstract void handlePoisonPill()

Callback to allow client applications to respond to an SMS push poison pill request. Applications should immediately perform data destruction upon receiving this instruction. 

public abstract void handleSync(SyncType type)

Callback to allow client applications to respond to an SMS push sync request. Applications should initiate a synchronization session of the requested type. 

public void processSMSMessagePayload(byte[] rawPayload, java.lang.String pin)

Process the payload of the incoming SMS message and dispatch the instruction to the proper callback method (handlePoisonPill() or handleSync(com.sun.mep.client.api.SyncType)).

The application's implementation of javax.messaging.MessageListener must call this method in order to decrypt and dispatch the instruction sent from the Gateway Engine.

Make sure that this method is not invoked within the same thread that is delivering the SMS message. 

This method only supports processing SMS messages with text payloads. There is no support for binary SMS messages. 

If a pin is supplied, this method processes the payload as if it were encrypted. Otherwise, it is processed as clear text.