Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Developer's Guide for Client Applications

The SyncType Class

Table 4–10 lists the fields and methods belonging to the SyncType class. This class provides a simple enum for the available synchronization types.

Table 4–10 Class com.sun.mep.client.api.SyncType



public static final SyncType BACKUP_SYNC

Refresh sync from client. All of the server data is replaced with the client data. Use with caution. 

public static final int BACKUP_SYNC_VALUE

Constant enum value for BACKUP_SYNC.

public static final SyncType FAST_SYNC

Two-way fast sync. Client modifications since the last synchronization are sent to the server for reconciliation, and server modifications since the last synchronization are sent back to the client. 

public static final int FAST_SYNC_VALUE

Constant enum value for FAST_SYNC.

public static final SyncType ONE_WAY_CLIENT_SYNC

One-way sync from client. Client modifications are sent to the server, but server modifications are not sent back to the client. 

public static final int ONE_WAY_CLIENT_SYNC_VALUE

Constant enum value for ONE_WAY_CLIENT_SYNC.

public static final SyncType ONE_WAY_SERVER_SYNC

One-way sync from server. Server modifications are sent to the client, but client modifications are not sent to the server. 

public static final int ONE_WAY_SERVER_SYNC_VALUE

Constant enum value for ONE_WAY_SERVER_SYNC.

public static final SyncType RESTORE_SYNC

Refresh sync from server. All of the client data is replaced with the server data. 

public static final int RESTORE_SYNC_VALUE

Constant enum value for RESTORE_SYNC.

public static final SyncType SLOW_SYNC

Two-way slow sync. This is the same as a fast sync except that ALL client data (including unmodified records) is sent to the server for reconciliation. 

public static final int SLOW_SYNC_VALUE

Constant enum value for SLOW_SYNC.

public java.lang.String getDescription()

Returns a description of the current SyncType.

public int getValue()

Returns the value of the current SyncType.