Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Administration Guide

Troubleshooting for Issues Related with Installing Plugins

The property called auto.deploy.dest.dir is essential for installing plugins. If you are failing to install plugins, the reason can be that the property is not defined properly. GlassFish defines the hot deploy folder as a folder called autodeploy inside of the domain folder in which your server is running. By default, this is in <Glassfish Home>/domains/domain1/autodeploy. JBoss defines the hot deploy folder as a root folder inside of the particular server configuration you are using. By default, this is in <JBoss Home>/server/default/deploy. WebLogic defines this folder inside of the domain directory. By default, this is in <Bea Home>/user_projects/domains/<domain name>/ autodeploy.

You will first need to determine where the hot deploy folder is for the container you are running. Consult your product documentation for this. Once you have this value, there are two places in which you can set it: the file and in the Plugin Installer portlet.

To change this setting in the file, browse to where WebSynergy was deployed in your application server. Inside of this folder should be a WEB-INF/classes folder. Here you will find the file. Open this file in a text editor and look for the property auto.deploy.dest.dir. If it does not appear in the file, you can add it. The safest way to set this property is to define the property using an absolute path from the root of your file system to your application server's hot deploy folder. For example, if you are using GlassFish, and you have the server installed in /java/glassfish, your auto.deploy.dest.dir property would look like the following:


Remember, if you are on a Windows system, use forward slashes instead of back slashes, like so:


Save the file and then restart your container. Now plugins should install correctly.