Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Administration Guide

Common Questions

The following are some commonly asked questions about WebSynergy software.


What databases does WebSynergy support?


HSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, and Oracle 10g.


What is the recommended JDK version to use with WebSynergy?


JDK 1.6.0_07 later. Also make sure that Ant 1.7.0 is installed on the machine on which you are installing WebSynergy.


What can I do if the Compose link does not working in the Mail portlet?


Click the compose window twice to activate the window.


What size image should I use for my site logo?


It is recommended that your site logo be no larger than 50 x 50 pixels.


What is BSOJ?


BSOJ stands for big screen of junk (text characters). You may sometimes encounter this when some error has occurred in the WebSynergy user interface. If you encounter a BSOJ, the workaround is to log out of WebSynergy, close your browser, then reopen the browser and log in again.


What is the recommended amount of memory (RAM) to use with WebSynergy?


It is recommended that the machine on which a WebSynergy server is running has a minimum of 2GB RAM. Client machines connecting to a WebSynergy site should have a minimum of 1GB RAM.


What Web browser is recommended for use with WebSynergy?


Firefox 2.x or 3.x are recommended and are the test bases on which WebSynergy has been most extensively tested. Microsoft Internet Explorer is know to have some incompatibilities with WebSynergy.


On what port does WebSynergy run?


By default, WebSynergy runs on port 8080. The port can be changed later, but the WebSynergy installation program runs on port 8080, so this port must be free before you start the installation process. If upgrading from a previous WebSynergy installation, be sure to stop any running GlassFish domains before proceeding.


How to create a custom portlet bundle?


You can use Add Application to add portlets and widgets to a page. You can add portlets and widgets to the public pages and private pages of Communities and Organizations and propagate those Communities and organizations to production environment. the portlets and widgets thus bundled with a Community or an Organization can be considered as custom portlet bundles.