Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Administration Guide

Editing and Deleting Users

The Edit User sub-tab allows you to view information on all users, modify the settings for a user, or delete a user. You can perform the following tasks:

Viewing User Information

The Edit User sub-tab lists all the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform users for your installation in a table that contains the columns shown in Table 1–1.

Table 1–1 Columns in the User Information Table




The user's email address 


The user name for the user 

Enterprise Connector 

The name of the Enterprise Connector as specified in the Connectors tab. 

The name of the Enterprise Connector may appear as Auto-select. This name appears because users are automatically created when a client attempts a synchronization using an email address that does not match the name of an existing user. In that case, a login to each connector in turn is attempted with the name and password supplied. If the login is successful, an Auto-select user is created, and subsequent sessions for that user will also attempt a login to each connector in turn. 

Since all MusicDB users use the same name and password (musicdbuser, musicdbpass), you must prefix the name sent from the client with musicdbuser in order for an automatically created user to auto-select the MusicDB connector.


The date of the first synchronization session for the user 


The date of the last synchronization session for the user 


The total number of synchronization sessions. For some mobile devices, a synchronization session may consist of multiple sub-sessions. 


The number of failed synchronization sessions. Failure can be caused by a synchronization error or a wireless link interruption. Use the log file to determine the cause of failure. 

Delete User 

See To Delete a User

Show Today's Log 

See To View a User's Log

Reset Sync. Mappings 

See To Reset Synchronization Mappings for a User

Edit User Preferences 

See To Edit User Preferences

SMS Poison Pill 

See To Send a Poison Pill to a Client

SMS Sync 

See To Send a Synchronization Message to a Client

Use this list as follows:

ProcedureTo Delete a User

Use the Delete User column to delete a user's account. This action deletes the user's Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform account and removes all information about previous synchronization sessions from the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform database, but it does not delete any data on the EIS/EAI server or database or on the mobile device.

Note –

Before you can remove an Enterprise Connector from the Connectors sub-tabs, you must first delete all users for that Enterprise Connector.

  1. Find the user whose account you want to delete.

  2. Under the Delete User column, click Delete for that user.

    There is no confirmation dialog. The user's account is now deleted.

ProcedureTo View a User's Log

Use the Show Today's Log column to view the current log for a user.

This action displays contents of the server log in a new browser tab or window. Use the log to troubleshoot synchronization problems and report errors.

Note –

Logging messages for the most recent 10 synchronization operations for the current day are displayed. You can use the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Admin Console to view the complete log.

  1. Find the user whose log you want to view.

  2. Under the Show Today's Log column, click Show Log for that user.

    The log appears in a new browser tab or window. If there is no log for the current day, the following message appears:

        There are no synchronization sessions
        for the selected user

ProcedureTo Reset Synchronization Mappings for a User

Use the Reset Sync. Mappings column to reset the synchronization mappings for a particular user. You can reset the mappings for all users from the Gateway tab; see Resetting Synchronization Mappings.

This action resets the stored synchronization information (mapping) for the particular user, which will cause a complete synchronization of all data during the next synchronization. Perform this action if a particular user has problems synchronizing. This action will significantly slow down the next synchronization for that user.

  1. Find the user whose synchronization mappings you want to reset.

  2. Under the Reset Sync. Mappings column, click Reset for that user.

ProcedureTo Edit User Preferences

Use the Edit User Preferences column to edit push synchronization preferences as well as the telephone number for a particular user's mobile device.

For more information on push synchronization, see Using the Preferences Tab.

  1. Find the user whose preferences you want to edit.

  2. Under the Edit User Preferences column, click Preferences.

    Another version of the Edit User tab appears, with a Close button at the top and the label “Editing preferences for user”, where user is the user's email address.

  3. You can enable server push for a user only if push synchronization is enabled for all users. (See To Enable Push Synchronization for All Users.) To enable automatic server push for the user, use the Server Push panel as follows:

    1. Select the Enable Server Push checkbox.

    2. Click Save.

  4. In the Mobile Device Configuration panel, edit the telephone number or type a new telephone number in the Phone Number field, then click Save.

    A success message appears at the bottom of the window.

  5. The Schedule panel is enabled only if push synchronization is enabled for all users and if Server Push is enabled for that particular user. (See To Enable Push Synchronization for All Users.) To modify the schedule for a particular user, use the Schedule panel as follows:

    1. In the Interval (Minimum) field, type the minimum number of minutes Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform should wait before checking the server for new items for a user.

      This value must be no less than the minimum specified for all users.

    2. Click Save.

  6. To return to the original Edit User display, click the Back button.

ProcedureTo Send a Poison Pill to a Client

Use the Send Poison Pill column to destroy all the data on a mobile device. You may need to do this if, for example, the mobile device is stolen. The poison pill is a message sent to the device. If the client application on the device is set up to handle this message, the application will destroy the data.

Before you can use the Send Poison Pill column, you must use the SMS tab to set up the SMPP connection for your SMS provider, as described in Using the SMS Tab.

  1. Find the user to whose mobile device you wish to send the poison pill.

  2. Click Wipe Data.

ProcedureTo Send a Synchronization Message to a Client

Use the SMS Sync column to notify a client application that it needs to synchronize data with the server. This notification is a message sent to the mobile device. If the client application on the device is programmed to listen for alerts and to act on them appropriately without user intervention, the client application will perform the synchronization.

Before you can use the SMS Sync column, you must use the SMS tab to set up the SMPP connection for your SMS provider, as described in Using the SMS Tab.

  1. Find the user to whose mobile device you wish to send the synchronization message.

  2. From the drop-down menu, choose the type of synchronization you want the mobile device to perform.

  3. Click Sync.