Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Administration Guide

Viewing User Information

The Edit User sub-tab lists all the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform users for your installation in a table that contains the columns shown in Table 1–1.

Table 1–1 Columns in the User Information Table




The user's email address 


The user name for the user 

Enterprise Connector 

The name of the Enterprise Connector as specified in the Connectors tab. 

The name of the Enterprise Connector may appear as Auto-select. This name appears because users are automatically created when a client attempts a synchronization using an email address that does not match the name of an existing user. In that case, a login to each connector in turn is attempted with the name and password supplied. If the login is successful, an Auto-select user is created, and subsequent sessions for that user will also attempt a login to each connector in turn. 

Since all MusicDB users use the same name and password (musicdbuser, musicdbpass), you must prefix the name sent from the client with musicdbuser in order for an automatically created user to auto-select the MusicDB connector.


The date of the first synchronization session for the user 


The date of the last synchronization session for the user 


The total number of synchronization sessions. For some mobile devices, a synchronization session may consist of multiple sub-sessions. 


The number of failed synchronization sessions. Failure can be caused by a synchronization error or a wireless link interruption. Use the log file to determine the cause of failure. 

Delete User 

See To Delete a User

Show Today's Log 

See To View a User's Log

Reset Sync. Mappings 

See To Reset Synchronization Mappings for a User

Edit User Preferences 

See To Edit User Preferences

SMS Poison Pill 

See To Send a Poison Pill to a Client

SMS Sync 

See To Send a Synchronization Message to a Client

Use this list as follows: