Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Edit User Preferences

Use the Edit User Preferences column to edit push synchronization preferences as well as the telephone number for a particular user's mobile device.

For more information on push synchronization, see Using the Preferences Tab.

  1. Find the user whose preferences you want to edit.

  2. Under the Edit User Preferences column, click Preferences.

    Another version of the Edit User tab appears, with a Close button at the top and the label “Editing preferences for user”, where user is the user's email address.

  3. You can enable server push for a user only if push synchronization is enabled for all users. (See To Enable Push Synchronization for All Users.) To enable automatic server push for the user, use the Server Push panel as follows:

    1. Select the Enable Server Push checkbox.

    2. Click Save.

  4. In the Mobile Device Configuration panel, edit the telephone number or type a new telephone number in the Phone Number field, then click Save.

    A success message appears at the bottom of the window.

  5. The Schedule panel is enabled only if push synchronization is enabled for all users and if Server Push is enabled for that particular user. (See To Enable Push Synchronization for All Users.) To modify the schedule for a particular user, use the Schedule panel as follows:

    1. In the Interval (Minimum) field, type the minimum number of minutes Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform should wait before checking the server for new items for a user.

      This value must be no less than the minimum specified for all users.

    2. Click Save.

  6. To return to the original Edit User display, click the Back button.