Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Administration Guide

Chapter 2 Using the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform Enterprise Tier Administration Console

This chapter describes how to configure the settings of the Enterprise tier, the second tier in a two-tier installation of Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform, using the Enterprise Tier Administration Console.

The Enterprise Tier Administration Console provides a way to map Gateway Engine users to EIS/EAI system users when the Gateway tier and the Enterprise tier are in different password domains. If it is not possible to map a Gateway tier user to an Enterprise tier user, the user specified in the Gateway tier is used.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Logging in to the Enterprise Tier Admin Console

To log in to the Enterprise Tier Admin Console, type the following URL into a web browser:


where hostname is the name and domain of the system where the Enterprise tier is installed, and port-value is the HTTP port specified at installation (usually 8080).

The login page that appears displays both “Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform” and “Enterprise Tier Administration Console.”

In the login page fields, type the user name and password for the Enterprise Tier Admin Console.

Viewing the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform Version

To verify the version of Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform that you are using, click the Version button at the top of the window.

Getting Help on the Enterprise Tier Admin Console

To view the online help for the Enterprise Tier Admin Console, click Help at the top of the window.

Enterprise Tier Admin Console Overview

The Enterprise Tier Admin Console contains the following tabs:

Using the General Tab for the Enterprise Tier

The panel in the General tab allows you to perform the following task:

Changing the Administrator Password for the Enterprise Tier

For security reasons, it is recommended that you change the default administrator password to one specific to your own installation.

ProcedureTo Change the Admin Password for the Enterprise Tier

In the Change Admin Password panel, follow these steps.

  1. In the Old Password panel, type the current password.

  2. In the New Password field, type the new password.

  3. In the Repeat New Password field, type the new password again.

  4. Click Change Password to confirm the change.

Using the Users Tab for the Enterprise Tier

The Users tab and its sub-tabs allow you to create and delete users for the Enterprise tier. You do this by mapping user names on the Gateway tier to the user names and passwords for the Enterprise Connector.

This section describes the following tasks:

Creating Users for the Enterprise Tier

To create a user for the Enterprise tier, use the Account Data panel of the Create User sub-tab to map a user on the Gateway tier to a user for the Enterprise Connector on the Enterprise tier, which may be mapped to the account for a specific EIS/EAI system or database.

You should create the users on the Enterprise tier before you create the users on the Gateway tier. When you create a user on the Gateway tier, if a mapping exists for that user on the Enterprise tier, the specified credentials are verified against the EIS/EAI system or database.

ProcedureTo Create a User for the Enterprise Tier

Follow these steps to map a Gateway tier user to an Enterprise Tier user.

  1. Click the Create User sub-tab.

  2. In the Gateway Username field, type the user name specified on the Gateway system.

    This is the value specified in the Username column on the Gateway system.

  3. In the Enterprise Connector Username field, type the user name for the Enterprise Connector.

  4. In the Enterprise Connector Password field, type the password for the Enterprise Connector.

  5. Click Register to create the user.

Viewing and Deleting Users for the Enterprise Tier

The Edit User sub-tab allows you to view information on all users or delete a user. You can perform the following tasks:

Viewing User Information for the Enterprise Tier

The Edit User sub-tab lists all the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform users for your installation in a table that contains the columns shown in Table 2–1.

Table 2–1 Columns in the User Information Table on the Enterprise Tier



Gateway Username 

The user name for the user on the Gateway tier 

Enterprise Connector Username 

The username for the user on the Enterprise tier 

Delete User 

See Deleting a User for the Enterprise Tier

Use this list as follows:

Deleting a User for the Enterprise Tier

Use the Delete User column to delete a user's account. This action deletes the user's Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform account on the Enterprise tier and removes all information about previous synchronization sessions from the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform database, but it does not delete any data on the EIS/EAI system or database.

To delete a user, click the Delete button for that user.

Logging Out of the Enterprise Tier Admin Console

To log out of the Enterprise Tier Admin Console, click Logout at the top of the window.