Guía del administrador de negocio de Sun Identity Manager 8.1

Almacenamiento de objetos de fábrica de conexiones

Abra la herramienta de línea de comandos de Message Queue (imqobjmgr) e introduzca los comandos indicados en Almacenamiento de objetos de fábrica de conexiones para almacenar los objetos de fábrica de conexiones y especificar un nombre de búsqueda.

Ejemplo 11–3 Almacenamiento de objetos de fábrica de conexiones y especificación de nombres de búsqueda

#> ./imqobjmgr add -l "mytestFactory" -j 
"java.naming.factory.initial= com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory"
 -j "java.naming.provider.url=file:///home/gael/tmp" -t qf -o 
Adding a Queue Connection Factory object with the following attributes: 
imqAckOnAcknowledge [Message Service Acknowledgement of Client Acknowledgements] 
imqSetJMSXUserID [Enable JMSXUserID Message Property] false 
Using the following lookup name: 
The object’s read-only state: false 
To the object store specified by: 
java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory 
java.naming.provider.url file:///home/gael/tmp 
Object successfully added. 
To specify a destination: 
#> ./imqobjmgr add -l "mytestQueue" -j 
-j "java.naming.provider.url=file:///home/gael/tmp" -t q -o 
Adding a Queue object with the following attributes: 
imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description] A Description for the Destination 
Object imqDestinationName [Destination Name] myTestQueue 
Using the following lookup name: 
The object’s read-only state: false 
To the object store specified by: 
java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory 
java.naming.provider.url file:///home/gael/tmp 
Object successfully added.