Guide de l'administrateur d'entreprise de Sun Identity Manager 8.1

Stockage des objets Fabrique de connexion

Ouvrez l'outil de ligne de commande de Message Queue (imqobjmgr) et saisissez les commandes de Stockage des objets Fabrique de connexion pour stocker les objets Fabrique de connexion et indiquer un nom de recherche.

Exemple 11–3 Stockage des objets Fabrique de connexion et spécification de noms de recherche

#> ./imqobjmgr add -l "mytestFactory" -j 
"java.naming.factory.initial= com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory"
 -j "java.naming.provider.url=file:///home/gael/tmp" -t qf -o 
Adding a Queue Connection Factory object with the following attributes: 
imqAckOnAcknowledge [Message Service Acknowledgement of Client Acknowledgements] 
imqSetJMSXUserID [Enable JMSXUserID Message Property] false 
Using the following lookup name: 
The object’s read-only state: false 
To the object store specified by: 
java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory 
java.naming.provider.url file:///home/gael/tmp 
Object successfully added. 
To specify a destination: 
#> ./imqobjmgr add -l "mytestQueue" -j 
-j "java.naming.provider.url=file:///home/gael/tmp" -t q -o 
Adding a Queue object with the following attributes: 
imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description] A Description for the Destination 
Object imqDestinationName [Destination Name] myTestQueue 
Using the following lookup name: 
The object’s read-only state: false 
To the object store specified by: 
java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory 
java.naming.provider.url file:///home/gael/tmp 
Object successfully added.