Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 High Availability Administration Guide

How the Converged Load Balancer Works

The load balancer attempts to evenly distribute the workload among multiple instances (either stand-alone or clustered), thereby increasing the overall throughput of the system.

The Converged Load Balancer enables high availability of services deployed on Java EE application servers. While doing so, it fails over a session request to another server instance in the same cluster if the original servicing instance is detected to be unavailable or unhealthy to service a request.

Note –

The load balancer does not handle URI/URLs that are greater than 8k.

The following illustration depicts the working of a load balancer:

Converged Load Balancer Functionality
  1. IP sprayer receives the client request.

    Note –

    The IP sprayer could be a hardware IP sprayer, which distributes requests evenly across all instances in a cluster. A network element such as the IP sprayer can front the converged load balancer and , at the transport level, distribute traffic over the cluster.

  2. IP sprayer selects any of the SailFin instances in the cluster and forwards request to that instance. This example and illustration shows the request being forwarded to Instance1.

  3. The converged load balancer on Instance1 selects an instance (Instance2, in this case) to service the request.

    The selection of the server instance to forward the request, is based on the configured Converged Load Balancing Algorithms. This key is added to the request as a header or parameter for maintaining stickiness.

  4. In this example, the converged load balancer on Instance1 forwards the request to Instance2. If the converged load balancer chooses Instance1 to service this request, step 5 is bypassed.

  5. The converged load balancer on Instance2 receives the request and detects that the request is already proxied from another instance. Without any further processing, Instance2 passes the request to the container so that it can be serviced. The converged load balancer on Instance2 sends the response back to the converged load balancer on Instance1.

  6. The converged load balancer on Instance1 sends the response back to the client

  7. Once a session is established, sticky information is set on the response and subsequent requests will carry this sticky information. Subsequent requests from the client will have the sticky information in the header/parameter. Even if Instance1 receives this request, it detects the sticky information and forwards the request to the converged load balancer on Instance2.

    To maintain HTTP and HTTPS session stickiness the load balancer uses cookies or , if the browser does not support cookies, uses URL rewriting. For SIP/SIPS sessions, the load balancer uses parameters such as the BEKeyand BERoute. For example, the converged load balancer stamps the BERoute parameter on the VIA header as part of the outgoing request.

Converged Load Balancing Algorithms

The load balancer automatically uses one of the following algorithms:

Converged Load Balancing Algorithm for Web Applications

HTTP and HTTPS messages belonging to pure web applications, the converged load balancer uses a sticky round robin algorithm, by default. When a new request is sent to the load balancer, it is forwarded to an application server instance based on a simple round robin scheme. If the request is for a session-based application, it may result in creation of a session. In such a case, response will have sticky information, which is sent back on subsequent messages. Subsequent messages from the same client for the same session-based application are considered assigned or sticky messages and are routed by the load balancer to the same instance if that instance is found to be healthy. Hence, the name sticky round robin. Requests to a non-session-based application and the first request for a session-based application are new requests.

Converged Load Balancing Algorithm for SIP Applications

For SIP and SIPS messages belonging to pure SIP applications, the converged load balancer uses a consistent hash algorithm, by default. If any of the rules in the DCR file match the SIP/SIPS request, a hash key is extracted using that rule. If none of the instructions or rules in the DCR file match the SIP or SIPS request, a hash key is generated using the from-tag,call-id parameters of the request.

Converged Load Balancing Algorithm for Converged Applications

Converged load balancer applies appropriate algorithms for HTTP/HTTPS and SIP/SIPS messages from converged applications, as follows:

Converged Load Balancer Deployments

You can configure your load balancer in different ways, depending on your goals and environment, as described in the following sections:

Using Self-Load-Balancing Clusters

In a development or production environment, you can designate that all server instances in a cluster participate in both redirecting and servicing requests, without using any dedicated load balancing instances. This is a self-load-balancing cluster, in which the target and the LB target are the same cluster.

A front-end hardware IP sprayer distributes request evenly across all instances in the cluster. If you do not use a hardware IP sprayer, a request can be forwarded to any server instance in the cluster. The converged load balancer component on that instance ensures that requests are distributed across the cluster. However, that instance is a single point of failure. The presence of a hardware IP sprayer ensures high availability.

Using Dedicated Load Balancing Server Instances

In a development environment, you can designate one or more stand-alone server instances as dedicated load balancers, which redirect requests to clusters or to other stand-alone instances that service those requests. These dedicated load balancers are called the targets of the load balancer.

The clusters or instances that service requests are called the LB targets of the load balancer. The LB targets of a specific load balancer can be clusters or stand-alone instances, but not a mixture of clusters and instances.

Note –

Dedicated load balancers are not supported in a production environment.