Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 High Availability Administration Guide

Converged Load Balancing Algorithms

The load balancer automatically uses one of the following algorithms:

Converged Load Balancing Algorithm for Web Applications

HTTP and HTTPS messages belonging to pure web applications, the converged load balancer uses a sticky round robin algorithm, by default. When a new request is sent to the load balancer, it is forwarded to an application server instance based on a simple round robin scheme. If the request is for a session-based application, it may result in creation of a session. In such a case, response will have sticky information, which is sent back on subsequent messages. Subsequent messages from the same client for the same session-based application are considered assigned or sticky messages and are routed by the load balancer to the same instance if that instance is found to be healthy. Hence, the name sticky round robin. Requests to a non-session-based application and the first request for a session-based application are new requests.

Converged Load Balancing Algorithm for SIP Applications

For SIP and SIPS messages belonging to pure SIP applications, the converged load balancer uses a consistent hash algorithm, by default. If any of the rules in the DCR file match the SIP/SIPS request, a hash key is extracted using that rule. If none of the instructions or rules in the DCR file match the SIP or SIPS request, a hash key is generated using the from-tag,call-id parameters of the request.

Converged Load Balancing Algorithm for Converged Applications

Converged load balancer applies appropriate algorithms for HTTP/HTTPS and SIP/SIPS messages from converged applications, as follows: