Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 High Availability Administration Guide

Working with Node Agents

How to Perform Node Agent Tasks

Some node agent tasks require you to use the asadmintool locally on the system where the node agent runs. Other tasks you can perform remotely using either the Admin Console or asadmin.

The following table summarizes the tasks and where to run them:

Table 4–2 How To Perform Node Agent Tasks


Admin Console 

asadmin Command 

Create node agent placeholder on Domain Administration Server 

Create Node Agent placeholder page 


Create node agent 

Not available 


Start node agent 

Not available 


Stop node agent 

Not available 

stop-node agent 

Delete node agent configuration from Domain Administration Server 

Node Agents page 


Delete node agent from local machine 

Not available 


Edit node agent configuration 

Node Agents pages 


List node agents 

Node Agents page 


Node Agent Placeholders

You can create and delete server instances without an existing node agent using a node agent placeholder. The node agent placeholder is created on the Domain Administration Server (DAS) before the node agent itself is created on the node agent’s local system.

For information on creating a node agent placeholder, see To Create a Node Agent Placeholder

Note –

Once you’ve created a placeholder node agent, use it to create instances in the domain. However, before starting the instances you must create and start the actual node agent locally on the machine where the instances will reside using the asadmin command. See Creating a Node Agent and Starting a Node Agent

ProcedureTo Create a Node Agent Placeholder

A node agent is a local watchdog for server instances that are running on a remote machine. Therefore, a node agent must be created on the machine that is hosting the server instances. As a result of this requirement, you can use the Admin Console to create only a placeholder for a node agent. This placeholder is a node agent configuration for which a node agent does not yet exist.

After creating a placeholder, use the asadmin command create-node-agent on the machine hosting the node agent to complete the creation. For more information, see Creating a Node Agent.

For a list of the steps involved in creating and using node agents, see Deploying Node Agents.

  1. In the tree component, select the Node Agents node.

  2. On the Node Agents page, click New.

  3. On the Current Node Agent Placeholder page, enter a name for the new node agent.

    The name must be unique across all node agent names, server instance names, cluster names, and configuration names in the domain.

  4. Click OK.

    The placeholder for your new node agent is listed on the Node Agents page.

Equivalent asadmin command


Creating a Node Agent

To create a node agent, run the asadmin command create-node-agent locally on the machine on which the node agent runs.

The default name for a node agent is the host name on which the node agent is created.

If you’ve already created a node agent placeholder, use the same name as the node agent placeholder to create the associated node agent. If you have not created a node agent placeholder, and the DAS is up and reachable, the create-node-agent command also creates a node agent configuration (placeholder) on the DAS.

For a complete description of the command syntax, see the online help for the command.

The DAS and a node agent might be configured to communicate securely. In this situation, when the node agent is started, it must validate the certificate that the DAS sends to the node agent. To validate the certificate, the node agent looks up the certificate in the node agent's local truststore , which is protected by a master password. To enable the node agent to be started without prompting the user for a password, save the node agent's master password to a file when you create the node agent. If you do not save the node agent's master password to a file, the user is prompted for the master password whenever the user starts the node agent.

Note –

In some situations you must specify the name of a host that can be reached through DNS. For more information, see To Create a Node Agent for a DNS-Reachable Host.

ProcedureTo Create a Node Agent

  1. Type the following command:

    asadmin create-node-agent --host das-host --port port-no --user das-user 
    [--savemasterpassword=true] nodeagent

    To enable the node agent to be started without prompting the user for a password, save the node agent's master password to a file. To save the node agent's master password to a file, set the --savemasterpassword option to true in the command to create the node agent.

    If you set --savemasterpassword to true, you are prompted for the master password. Otherwise, you are not prompted for a password.

    --host das-host

    Specifies the name of the host where the Domain Administration Server (DAS) is running.

    -port port-no

    Specifies the HTTP/HTTPS port number for administering the domain.

    --user das-user

    Specifies the DAS user.


    Specifies the name of the node agent that you are creating. This name must be unique in the domain.

Example 4–1 Creating a Node Agent

asadmin create-node-agent --host myhost --port 4848 --user admin nodeagent1

This command creates a node agent that is named nodeagent1. The DAS with which the node agent communicates is running on the machine myhost. The HTTP port for administering the agent's domain is 4848. The name of the DAS user is admin.

ProcedureTo Create a Node Agent for a DNS-Reachable Host

The host where the DAS is running must be reachable through DNS in the following situations:

  1. In the create-domain command to create the domain, specify the --domainproperties domain.hostName=das-host-name option.

    das-host-name is the name of the machine where the DAS is running.

  2. In the create-node-agent command to create the node agent, specify the following options:

    • --host das-host-name, where das-host-name is the DAS host name that you specified in Step 1. This option corresponds to the property in the file as-install/nodeagents/nodeagentname/agent/config/

    • --agentproperties remoteclientaddress=node-agent-host-name, where node-agent-host-name is the host name that the DAS uses to connect to the node agent. This option corresponds to the property in the file as-install/nodeagents/nodeagentname/agent/config/

Specifying the Host by Updating the hosts File

Another solution is to update the hosts hostname/IP resolution file specific to the platform so the hostname resolves to the correct IP address. However, when reconnecting using DHCP you might get assigned a different IP address. In that case, you must update the host resolution files on each server.

Starting a Node Agent

Before a node agent can manage server instances, it must be running. Start a node agent by running the asadmin command start-node-agent locally on the system where the node agent resides.

For a complete description of the command syntax, see the online help for the command.

For example:

asadmin start-node-agent --user admin --startinstances=false nodeagent1

where admin is your administration user, and nodeagent1 is the node agent being started.

By default, the cache repositories of node agent instances are not synchronized from the central repository when a node agent is restarted. To forcibly synchronize the instances' cache repositories with central repository, set the --syncinstances option to true in the asadmin start-node-agent command.

Note –

if you set the --syncinstances option to true, the repositories of all instances are synchronized when the node agent is restarted.

After restarting a node agent, use the asadmin start-instance command to start the server instance.

Stopping a Node Agent

Run the asadmin command stop-node-agent on the system where the node agent resides to stop a running node agent. The stop-node-agent command stops all server instances that the node agent manages.

For a complete description of the command syntax, see the online help for the command.

For example:

asadmin stop-node-agent nodeagent1

where nodeagent1 is the name of the node agent.

Deleting a Node Agent

Before deleting a node agent, the node agent must be stopped. You can also delete a node agent if it has never been started, or never successfully able to contact the Domain Administration Server (that is, if it is still unbound).

Run the asadmin command delete-node-agent on the system where the node agent resides to delete the node agent files.

For a complete description of the command syntax, see the online help for the command.

For example:

asadmin delete-node-agent nodeagent1

where nodeagent1 is your node agent.

When deleting a node agent, you must also delete its configuration from the Domain Administration Server using either the Admin Console or the asadmin delete-node-agent-config command.

ProcedureTo View General Node Agent Information

  1. In the tree component, select the Node Agents node.

  2. Click the name of a node agent.

    If a node agent already exists but does not appear here, start the node agent on the node agent’s host machine using asadmin start-node-agent. See Starting a Node Agent

  3. Check the node agent’s host name.

    If the host name is Unknown Host, then the node agent has not made initial contact with the Domain Administration Server (DAS).

  4. Check the node agent status.

    The status can be:

    • Running: The node agent has been properly created and is currently running.

    • Not Running: Either the node agent has been created on the local machine, but never started or the node agent was started but has been stopped.

    • Waiting for Rendezvous: The node agent is a placeholder that has never been created on the local machine.

    See Creating a Node Agent and Starting a Node Agent.

  5. Choose whether to start instances on start up.

    Select Yes to start server instances associated with the node agent automatically when the node agent is started. Select No to start the instances manually.

  6. Determine whether the node agent has made contact with the Domain Administration Server.

    If the node agent has never made contact with the Domain Administration Server, it has never been successfully started.

  7. Manage server instances associated with the node agent.

    If the node agent is running, start or stop an instance by clicking the checkbox next to the instance name and clicking Start or Stop.

ProcedureTo Delete a Node Agent Configuration

Through the Admin Console you can only delete the node agent configuration from the domain. You cannot delete the actual node agent. To delete the node agent itself, run the asadmin command delete-node-agent on the node agent’s local machine. For more information, see Deleting a Node Agent.

Before deleting the node agent configuration, the node agent must be stopped and it must not have any associated instances. To stop a node agent, use the asadmin command stop-node-agent. See Stopping a Node Agent for more information.

  1. In the tree component, select the Node Agents node.

  2. On the Node Agents page, select the checkbox next to the node agent to be deleted.

  3. Click delete.

Equivalent asadmin command


ProcedureTo Edit a Node Agent Configuration

  1. In the tree component, expand the Node Agents node.

  2. Select the node agent configuration to edit.

  3. Check Start Instances on Startup to start the agent’s server instances when the agent is started.

    You can also manually start and stop instances from this page.

    If this configuration is for a placeholder node agent, when you create the actual node agent using asadmin create-node-agent , it picks up this configuration. For information on creating a node agent, see Creating a Node Agent.

    If this configuration is for an existing node agent, the node agent configuration information is synchronized automatically.

ProcedureTo Edit a Node Agent Realm

You must set an authentication realm for users connecting to the node agent. Only administration users should have access to the node agent.

  1. In the tree component, expand the Node Agents node.

  2. Select the node agent configuration to edit.

  3. Click the Auth Realm tab.

  4. On the Node Agents Edit Realm page, enter a realm.

    The default is admin-realm, created when you create the node agent. To use a different realm, replace the realms in all the components controlled by the domain or the components won’t communicate properly.

  5. In the Class Name field, specify the Java class that implements the realm.

  6. Add any required properties.

    Authentication realms require provider-specific properties, which vary depending on what a particular implementation needs.

ProcedureTo Edit the Node Agent’s Listener for JMX

The node agent uses JMX to communicate with the Domain Administration Server. Therefore it must have a port to listen on for JMX requests, and other listener information.

  1. In the tree component, expand the Node Agents node.

  2. Select the node agent configuration to edit.

  3. Click the JMX tab.

  4. In the Address field, enter an IP address or host name.

    Enter if the listener listens on all IP addresses for the server using a unique port value. Otherwise, enter a valid IP address for the server.

  5. In the Port field, type the port on which the node agent’s JMX connector will listen.

    If the IP address is, the port number must be unique.

  6. In the JMX Protocol field, type the protocol that the JMX connector supports.

    The default is rmi_jrmp.

  7. Click the checkbox next to Accept All Addresses to allow a connection to all IP addresses.

    The node agent listens on a specific IP address associated to a network card or listens on all IP addresses. Accepting all addresses puts the value in the “listening host address” property.

  8. In the Realm Name field, type the name of the realm that handles authentication for the listener.

    In the Security section of this page, configure the listener to use SSL, TLS, or both SSL and TLS security.

    To set up a secure listener, do the following:

  9. Check the Enabled box in the Security field.

    Security is enabled by default.

  10. Set client authentication.

    To require clients to authenticate themselves to the server when using this listener, check the Enabled box in the Client Authentication field.

  11. Enter a certificate nickname.

    Enter the name of an existing server keypair and certificate in the Certificate NickName field.

    For information about working with certificates and SSL, see the Admin Console online help.

  12. In the SSL3/TLS section:

    1. Check the security protocol(s) to enable on the listener.

      You must check either SSL3 or TLS, or both protocols.

    2. Check the cipher suite used by the protocol(s).

      To enable all cipher suites, check All Supported Cipher Suites.

  13. Click Save.

ProcedureTo Create a Standalone Server Instance

  1. In the tree component, select the Stand—Alone Instances node.

  2. Click New.

  3. On the New Stand-Alone Server Instance page, provide the name of the instance.

  4. Choose the node agent on which this instances is to be created and click OK.