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Sun Blade X6275 M2 Server Module Installation Guide for Oracle VM Operating Systems
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Introduction to Oracle VM Installation

Installing Oracle VM

System Requirements

How to Obtain Oracle VM Software

How to Install Oracle VM Server

How to Install Drivers

How to Install Oracle VM Manager

Creating and Managing VM Resources

Creating a PXE Installation Image for Oracle VM

How to Create a PXE Installation Image for Oracle VM

How to Create a PXE Installation Image for Oracle VM

At the release of this document, Oracle VM 2.2.1 is the minimum supported version of Oracle VM. These instructions are for creating a PXE installation image of Oracle VM Server.

Before You Begin

The PXE installation procedure requires the following items:

  1. Set up the directory structure that will hold the Oracle VM Server software:
    # mkdir -p /home/pxeboot/ovm_svr_2.2/
  2. Enter the following commands to copy the contents of each Oracle VM distribution CD to the appropriate PXE subdirectory:

    Note - Eject and insert CDs only when the CD/DVD drive is unmounted.

    # mount dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
    # cp -r /mnt/cdrom/* /home/pxeboot/ovm_svr_2.2/
    # umount /mnt/cdrom

    If you are installing from a DVD, you have to do this only once. When the copy is done, proceed to the next step.

  3. Copy the vmlinuz and initrd.img files to the appropriate PXE target subdirectory:

    # cp /home/pxeboot/ovm_svr_2.2/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz /home/pxeboot/ovm_svr_2.2

    # cp /home/pxeboot/ovm_svr_2.2/images/pxeboot/initrd.img /home/pxeboot/ovm_svr_2.2

  4. Using a text editor, create a kickstart file (ks.cfg) in the following location on your PXE server:


  5. Add the necessary kickstart commands.

    If you know the required commands, type them in. Or, you can copy and insert the following content:

    lang en_US
    #langsupport en_US
    keyboard us
    #mouse genericusb
    timezone --utc America/Los_Angeles
    rootpw xxxx
    bootloader --location=mbr
    nfs --server n.n.n.n --dir /home/pxeboot/ovm_svr_2.2
    clearpart --all
    part /boot --fstype ext3 --size 512 --ondisk sda
    part  swap --size 4096 --ondisk sda
    part / --fstype ext3 --size 1 --grow --ondisk sda
    network --bootproto dhcp
    # password : abc123
    ovsagent --iscrypted Y2fEjdGT1W6nsLqtJbGUVeUp9e4=
    #ovsmgmntif eth0
    auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
    firewall --disabled
    #Do not configure the X Window System
    %post --nochroot

    where n.n.n.n is the IP address of your PXE server. Ensure that the location indicated after --dir is pointing to the top level of your image.

  6. Save the kickstart file.
  7. Using a text editor, create the PXE configuration file (to be named default). This file defines the menu shown to the target system during network boot.

    The following shows two examples labels for an Oracle VM menu:

    Note - Type the text block from append through ks.cfg as one continuous string with no returns.

    label ovm_svr_2.2 sda eth select
    kernel ovm_svr_2.2/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
    append initrd=ovm_svr_2.2/images/pxeboot/initrd.img load_ramdisk=1 network 
    ks=nfs:n.n.n.n:/home/pxeboot/ovm_svr_2.2/ks.cfg mem=32g
    label ovm_svr_2.2 sda eth select serial console
    kernel ovm_svr_2.2/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
    append initrd=ovm_svr_2.2/images/pxeboot/initrd.img load_ramdisk=1 network 
    ks=nfs:n.n.n.n:/home/pxeboot/ovm_svr_2.2/ks.cfg mem=32g 

    where n.n.n.n is the IP address of your PXE server.

  8. Save the file as default in the following location on the PXE server:
